Part 16

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I stretched out my tired muscles after my biology class glad it was finally lunch time and I could eat. This time I was going to walk to the cafeteria not be dragged there by the sensual twins. I met the twins by my classroom again I had a nagged feeling this would be my life now. Looked up to Issac devilishly handsome face and Ivory perfect breathtaking face I think I would able to deal with that.

"How do you get here so quick do you guys not go to class the only way you would be able to be when I go in is if your late to class and finish early. Either that or you just don't go to class." I told them as Ivory and Issac started to walk to what I supposed was the way to cafeteria I still didn't know my way round this school.

"As the student council President we get certain privileges." Issac told me cryptically. What is with the school it's like they revolve around the student time.council. Which is strange considering it consists of two member. Well I guess st  technically to three because I turned up. I was reminded of what Mrs Black said as she showed me around the student council room was the 'crowned jewels' of the school did that make Issac and Ivory the prince and princess. It made sense to me.
I continued to follow them however I noticed that we weren't going to the cafeteria at some point. They were taking me back to the student council room. Ivory opened the door while I stood a few steps back rubbing the tip of my black boots into the carpet.

"Um guys ...I kinda ...n-n-need to go to the... um we-well cafeteria, I d-don't have a-any lunch." I finally managed to stutter out I dint know why I was being so shy now it might have something to do with what happened in that room last time. I shook my head to get rid of the feeling.

"We know angle you can share with us we have f/f and s/f/f. " ivory told me and Issac pulled me down onto his lap. I frowned slightly.

"But then won't you guys not have enough?" I questions as I lent back onto Issac's warm chest subconsciously as he wound his arm over my stomach In a loving Embrace.

"Lady l/n stop trying to change out mind we are feeding you our lunch end of discussion" Issac told me as he blew into ear causing my body to heat up again. I lent more into Issac his strong hard chest felt so nice against my back. My eyes fluttered closed as I let let out a contented sigh.

"Angel this may seem out of blue but i think it will help me and Issac feel more.." there was a pause in what Ivory was saying I think she was trying to find the right word.
"It will help me and Issac feel more in control of the situation. This situation if we knew what your type was what do you look for in a lover?" Ivory said unpack her and Issac lunch as his hands more currently occupied making me feel satisfied by being this close to him.

"Hum, my type I don't know." I said quietly Ah I was so tired and Issac was so warm I could go to sleep like this I shifted slightly in Issac lap to be more comfortable.

"Are you sleepy angel?" Issac asked softly I did a small nod, at least I think I did I was losing contact to the real world I was in that state of not awake but not asleep either.
"You can sleep on me but let me just move you slightly." Issac told me I felt my lips twitch up in a smile I can sleep on the warm body pillow which was Issac. I felt my self be lifted slightly. Next think I knew I was straddling Issac my arm where wrapped around his neck as my legs were twisted round his waist and my head laying on his chest my ear pressed over his heart. I felt myself being lifted and walk somewhere it with my eyelids dropping I didn't now and I was to tired to care. I just Ivory could sleep with us two.

"Ivory" I whimper out.

"Angel ivory's going to cover us in classes but I promise she will be back soon but before then sleep with me, all you need is me just Issac." He told me

"Just Issac" I repeated. Someone who made me feel like this. Safe, warm, comfort and love had to be good.

"I love you y/n" he breathed into my hair.

"I love you too Issa-" I fell asleep thinking of Issac.

(A/N I have cleaned every part of my house this week and yet I still have loads more to do)

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