Part 2

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I peaked my head into the office my heart sank no one was here. I let out a sigh I was going to be late for my first lesson and it wouldn't even be my fault I mean I could try and find my info but then if the secretary came back and saw me I would be expelled I shuddered at the through of explaining at that to Rose or even worse my father. I walked in and sank down on one of the dark navy waiting chairs and rested my head in my hands. I was like this for about one minute until I heard a slam down the hall.

"No Issac I'm not going to let you get her you got most of Dads love when we were children I'm not letting you get my angle either" a soft girls voice yelled to whoever this Issac was.

"Ivory would you stop yelling at me I might have gotten most of Father love but are you trying to tell me you didn't get most of mothers love. Anyway she's no your girl not yet and if I have any to say about it she won't." Said a smooths makes voice. These two voices would harmonise beautiful together I could image the sounds they would make. Focus y/n your being weird again I told myself.

"Dad said we need to share more" the girl I'm guess was Ivory told Issac. God I wanted to know what they looked like.

"Yeah I remember that was a load of bull he never shared Mother" Issac said I herd foot steps oh shit they were coming closer they would think I was a freak or worse even dropping on them I grabbed my phone and went to grab my headphones only to remover I left them at home. Fuck I never left my headphones at home god must hate me today.

"What do you mean shared he doesn't do it now" Ivory replied. I closed my eyes not wanted to see he glare they were going to send me as soon as he turned the corner.

"Can I help you." A deep voice that did not sound like Issac or Ivory asked me I look up it was a tall women in a maroon dress suit. She had her black hair tired up in a bun and her opal complex was blemish free. I was silent for a second as the woman looked at me with worried written in here sea green eyes and full dark lips.

"Oh right sorry my name y/n l/n I'm new here I need my rota and locked number and combination please." I told the women.

"Woah" a soft sweet musical voice said down the corridor from me I knew who it was going to be but I looked over any way. My jaw dropped there stood two angles if angels had dark hair sparkling silver eyes and were wearing the same uniform as me but with purple ties in stead of blue. The was a girl and a boy. Ivory as I'm guessing it was was the same size as me he had a fair complexion that held no blemishes and had waist length black hair let lose she was wearing the girls uniform that consisted as a black skirt black thigh highs a white shirt a blue tie and a royal blue blazer only her tie was deep plum. Issac looked the same only his hair stopped and his ear and had trousers on instead on a skirt and was two or three inches taller then Ivory. They must be twins. Issac elbowed his sister. She glared at him and rubbed the spot he elbowed her.
"Meanie" she said.

"I'm sorry for my sisters unladylike mannerisms we have tired to teach her but she just won't learn" Issac told me walking towards me taking my hand. As I herd a 'hey' from Ivory
"It's a pleasure to meet you in the flesh miss l/n my name is Issac Noble and this is my twin sister Ivory." Issac placed a soft kiss on my hand I had no idea what to say but I was saved from saying any thing and Ivory ran up pulled my away from her bother and crushed me in a hug.

"Issac remember sharing" Ivory said over the top of my head and my head was buried in her quiet generous chest.

"Whatever it's ok Mrs Black we'll show miss l/n around" Issac said tacking my left hand and Ivory took my right and walked me from the office. What just happened. I had my first kiss stolen from me by the most ethereal beautiful boy I had ever seen and a girl who looked like she was goddess had pressed my face into her breasts. For the second time that day I was speechless. Was every day going to be like this because it was I honestly don't know if I could handle that.

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