Part 45

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As soon as Issac left I ran to the toilet again and threw up all his cum. Was this the right decision, could I really go through this. Tricking Issac into thinking I was obedient. That I loved him that we would be a happy family. He seemed to believe I could always plead Stockholm syndrome if he suspected me. However what if by acting like I loved him causing me to actually start to have felling blossom. I rested my head on the cold porcelain of the sink next to the toilet. My hand instinctively rested on my stomach. Isaacs child, our child, my child. The one thing I have in common with my mum, a teen pregnancy. I felt dirty I mean last time I had a excuse I was drugged and raped this time I had done it willing. It wasn't like I wanted to, it was a trick, a necessity. Suddenly someone face crossed my mind making me want to throw up again. Em! Oh god I had just given Issac a blow job. Em will never forgive me or even look at me in the same way. Not to mention the child I was carrying by the time I get out I might have all ready formed an attachment to her. Oh god Issac hope for it to be a baby girl was already affecting me I just called them a her.  If it was girl I would most likely name her Alice as Alice in wonderland if my favourite story and movie. Y/N stop it this child is not going to happen. Your plane will succeed, it's got to.
Step 1: Seduce Issac. Done (however that wasn't hard)
Step 2: trick Issac into to sending Ivory to a nit house. Done (thought it was his plan)
Step 3: Make Issac believe I would never leave or escape. Not yet completed
Step 4: ESCAPE.
It's step 4 I have trouble with the main trouble is I don't know how to escape.
"Fuck "

Issac's POV

That was bliss having my Angels tongue wrapped around my member was heavenly. The skill she had too, it took everything I had not to cum right away. The look on y/n face when she swelled my cum, that will play out in my dreams forever and her cute disappointed face when I said we shouldn't have sex was adorable. I'm so glad she understands that we are meant to be together and our baby girl is the most concrete prove y/n needed. Anyway now how do I convince father and mother that Ivory is insane. I know Ivory keeps a diary any and all psycho ideas that run through her mod either end up in there. But physical proof would be best. However it would mean putting my unborn child in harms way I don't want to do that. I left me room and made my way to my fathers study. I knocked twice in quick succession and what for him to tell me to enter.

"Enter" my father clear voice told me. I opened the door and sat opposite him.

"Y/n pregnant." I told him I saw my father look up from his work look at me and widen when he saw I was serious. My father leaned back in his chair.

"I have to saw I'm impressed good work." Theo told me. I shrugged it off

"I'm not here to talk about that thought I am happy. Dad Ivory you know when she here's this she won't be happy. Dad she need to go and be checked out she not sane. At least I try and make y/n happy she only sees what she want and when she find out y/n prevent I'm worried she might hurt our baby or y/n" I told dad placing my hand on his desk. My father hummed in response.

"Your right but she won't come quietly, unless your mother breaches the subject." Dad told me I agreed with him but mum won't approach it unless dad convinced her.

"So will you convince mum are not?" I asked.

"For the sake of my grandchild hopefully a grad-daughter I will convince your mother do not worry." My father told me.
"Your can leave."I stood up to leave before I did however I turned to my father.

"Thank you dad" I told him before I left him. I walked back to my babies room but paused. Mother never liked sending Ivory away. She might need proof. I walked back to the east wing of the house two rooms away from my father office was my mothers art studio attached to a music room. Ivory was most likely there since are Princess is a musician Ivory has been spending more time there acting like it was an extension of y/n. My feet stopped outside the door. I could all ready hear Ivories crying and hiccups. I felt a frown take over my face she really was to emotional. However this made me getting my hands on her incriminating dairy a lot easer. Ivory was to busy crying on a piano, meaning that it was the perfect opportunity to ask (though it was more like demand) my maid Charity to take Ivory dairy. And no one would suspect Charity would do anything to hurt Ivory knowing that she has a crush on my sister. A sick smile sores on my face as my plan was coming together. It was all coming into place.

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