Part 40

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I sat with my hands warming round a mug of Vanilla and ginger chia tea. The aroma  made me relax but not let me guard down. Ivory had made the tea she did in front of me so I know she didn't slip any drugs in it. Ivory and Issac sat i front of me. They were watching every move I made it was uncomfortable to say the least. I took a breath.

"So have come up with a plan on my future or not?" I asked taking my first sip of my tea enjoying the calming taste.

"We want you with us." Ivory said as her first clenched tightly.

"However we understand you don't" Issac continued. I raised my eyebrows, like that ever stopped them before.

"So ....." I said trialing off not knowing what to say as I waited for my captors to tell me there plan.

"Princess we know that baseball player told you something before he left." Ivory told me my heart rate skyrocketed. Oh shit they knew. I tried to keep my face nurtural.
"What did he tell you?" Ivory questioned. I internally rolled my eyes did she actually think I would tell her.

"Tell us y/n" Issac commanded me. I looked in each of there faces.


"What?" Ivory screamed.
"I am telling you to tell us. So tell us."

"No." I said again calmly.

"Why?" Whispered Issac.
"WHY DO YOU ALWAYS DEFIE US." He yelled in my face.

"If I tell you you'll kill him I don't want the man I love to die because some psychotic twins are fucking obsessed with me for no fucking  reason." I said in monotone voice with no emotion showing.

"Fine. You will stay here with no food or water for a day you will also be chained to the bed for those 24 hours." Issac said pulling two pairs of handcuffs out from under his bed and trying to attach them to my wrist and ankle. I didn't let him.

"You can't chain me up again like some animal. I have rights." I screamed at them.

"But Princess you are an animal or at least you acted like one when your tore Issac suit of him or did you forget. Ivory told me as she grabbed my wrist and started to drag me to the bed while I struggled with everything I had. My feet where kicking any part of the twins as I was throwing my head backwards and forwards hoping I would crash my forehead against there's like Tanjiro from demon slayer. Unfortunately I don't have an incredible thick skull like his. I felt my strength leave me as I herd the handcuffs lock.

"Why?" I asked as my eyes stared to tear up.
"I don't understand why you do this you say you love me then you lock me up, you drug me, you hurt me. I'm not going to sit here and say I know about love because I don't not really I have never seen real love I don't know exactly how love works. My mother would go out leaving me home alone from age two to get high and sleep with any man that would take her. My parents didn't love each other I was not planed. To my mother I was a mistake. I don't know about love but I do know when someone is important to you, you don't fucking lock them up." I told the twins while I felt hot tear fall down my face.

"Y/n we lo-" Ivory started.

"Don't lie to me." I screamed at her.
"You don't love me your obsessed with me. Your Anne and I'm Paul. Go and get the axe and hurry this up." I yelled at her.
"Just leave me alone" I told them lying face down on the bed waiting them to leave me alone so I can cry all my pain away. I herd the door open and close thankful they had left. I felt a dip on the bed I ignored hopefully if I stayed still they would get bored. I felt the soft finger tips of someone walk up from the back of my calf's to the bottom of my thighs.

"Princess you are right we are obsessed with you. Every single thing you do drives us crazy. Most people learn about love thought watching there parents in love." Issac starts to explained to me I still didn't move.
"My parents are step siblings my father loves my mother. He's obsessed and possessive over. That the only love I know of everyone as different views on love but y/n the emotional I feel when I with you it's indescribable. The very thought of you not being with me is devastating. So please darling forgive us but we need you with us." Issac told my stroking my hair.

"Yeah well I need my freedom." I mumbled into the bed. I felt Issac hand stop moving when I spoke.

"I see sweetheart." He replied as he got up then I herd the door open and close as I was finally left alone.

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