Part 4

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Luna walked to the lockers then stopped in front of the locker number 13 I got out my combination number I placed my bag and violin case in my locker. There was no point getting any of my books out as I don't how long this tour is going to take. Luna was biting her lips and looking round everywhere worriedly.

"So why are the twins so evil" I said sarcastically. Luna glared at me then softened her look.

"I'm seriously y/n they're evil." Luna told me I raised my eye brows at her. There is no way they were evil. If they were evil surly I would be able to tell. There voices were too beautiful.
"Ok so about six months ago a new girl started her she was normal cute. She had dark green eyes and blond hair. She was happy well at the start anyway. I showed her around, I show everyone around. She was nice. The last stop on the tour was the student council room. That when she met the twins. I don't know what they said I think they blackmailed her into joining the student council. Anyway she joined and they manipulated her mental and verbal abused her tormented her for no reason. No that's not true for a reason they thought it was fun." Luna told me her bright green eyes that were staring into my e/c ones were begging me to believe her. However I was hesitant by nature.

"Did you see this happen?" I asked. Luna bit her lip and looked to the side

"Well no" she replied

"Did this girl tell you this was happening?" I questioned


"So you have no proof that this happened yet you want me to believe that the first people I met at this school who were nice to me are evil?" I asked her.

"Because they are." Luna yelled at at me she was looking frantic.

"Sorry but I just can't believe your word when you have no proof." I told her

"NO! Y/n you have to believe they will kills me because they know I'm told oh god they have eyes everywhere they evil they will kill you y/n please I'm begging you believe me. They killed my auntie." She screamed at me gripping my shoulder. My eye widened in shock this girl was off her rocker she was actually insane. I backed away slightly. She tightened her grip on my shoulder her nails piercing my skin.
"You haven't met there mother she was my aunties best friend but oh there father , no he didn't like that. Oh no she was all his. ALL HIS! So what did her do, he murdered her he slit her throat. He's psychotic. Thats where they get it form. He taught his children his way of murder and possessiveness and evil!" She screamed at me. I closed my eyes I just wanted her to go away she was insane and she was scaring me.

"Miss Duke." A stern voice called out as Luna hands were ripped out of my shoulder I quickly brought my hands up to my shoulders. Blood, well that was just fantastic Rose and my father were going to flip.
"Miss Duke we have talked a about this, have you been taking you medication." The older women asked she must have been a teacher who herd Luna screaming at me.

"..." Luna didn't say anything

"Miss Duke?" The teacher asked.

"I don't need it I'm not crazy. They they make you believe that I am but I'm not they are evil. They're EVIL!" She screamed  as she bust into tears her pupils had dilated and she looked like a psychotic killer from the 'kings game, Mira nikki' or another anime.

"I'm calling you parents. Miss l/n?" She asked me

"Yes?" I answered tearing my gaze away from the broken girl.

"Go back to the office I'm sure miss Black can show you around." I nodded and walked back I let out a sigh. Why did I feel like I would never get a tour of this place.

*time skip*

"And here we are the crowning jewel of our school the student council. However we only have two members now our thrid member.." She trialed of and looked down
"Went away... to another school" Miss Black told me. I raised my eyebrows at her the fact that the student council was the best part of this school did not go down well for me. She smiled at me then knocked on the door. The cold voice of Issac answered

"What do you want." He asked through the door.

"I've come to show miss l/n the student council" she said as soon as my name left her lips the door was nearly torn of as a ball of long dark hair and flashing silver eyes launched herself at me.

"Angle awww I missed you soooooo much did that meanie Luna scare you I herd she went coo coo again." Ivory told me again pressing my face into her cleavage. I had to say it was quite comfortable there.

"So lady l/n what actually did Luna Duke tell you about us. Did she mention our father and mother?" Issac asked. Ivory let me go slightly I looked over to Issac his eye were like thunder.
"Oh and lady l/n do not lie"

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