Part 12

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I glared at the sun that was slowly raising from my window it had woken me up at dawn and wouldn't let me go to sleep again. I watched to minutes tick by on my clock when it finally reached an appropriate time to lift my self from my bed I started to get ready for school. I herd the front door slam. I guessed my dad was still a bit angry from last night he had no right to be angry I was the one who was told
I couldn't have any friends. I heard a soft knock at my door.

"Sweetheart I made some pancakes" I froze half way buttoning up my white shirt.

"DAD?" I yelled opening the door after hastily finishing g my buttons. Ok what is happening he was wearing a three piece suit without the jacket on and his shirts sleeves rolled up to his elbow.
"Dad, what are you doing here you'll be late for work." I told him puling my tie on and tying it.

"Y/n honey I'm the boss I decided when I go to work me and only me. Also I thought it would be good if we spend some quality time together anyway come on I've made pancakes." My father told me leading me into the dining room. I was still slightly confused.

"Ok so if your here why did I hear the door slam?" I asked sitting down looking down at the tall pile of fluffy pancakes on my plate.  My father rubbed his neck slightly looked down then back to my eyes that were the carbon copy of his

"That was Rose I think she's angry because I fired her." He said. I dropped my fork that I had picked up.

"You did what." I asked quietly.

"I fired Rose." My father repeated. My breath quickened oh god I was alone this personality of my dad how long would it last a day a week and then I would be all alone again I needed Rose she was like a mother to me. My breath was coming quicker now I was hyperventilating my legs began to shake I need to sit down I didn't even realised that I stood up during my outburst. My father came over to me and gently lead my to my chair which I sank into my head in my hands. I breath deeply in through my nose for five out of my mouth for five. Slowly my heart rate went back to its normal pace instead of the erratic beat it was before. I heard my father let out a sigh as he ran his hand through his hair.
"Honey I fired Rose as we did not need her anymore. She cooked dinner and looked after you but as I'm cutting down my hours and days so I can be a better parent we don't need her to cook or look after you anymore. That's my job as your father." I peeked  through my fingers at him seeing my father have a loving adoration in his eyes.

"Dad if you really wanted to spend some time with me you should have done it when I was being homeschooled." I said standing up.
"Im going to school and no I'm not taking the car I will be walking." I said raising my voice and stomping out of the kitchen and the house. Why did my dad have to be so goddamn frustrating.
"Ugh!" I let out an annoyed frustrated groan.

"Angel whats wrong what happened?" A soft famine voice said as a pair of slender arm circled me from behind.

"It's nothing don't worry Ivory" I told her already knowing the female twin was behind me.

"Please don't lie to us Angel" said Issac's smooth voice coming up next to me softly kissing me cheek. I swear this twins had some kind of telepathic powers. I let out a small sigh.

"It my dad he's being..." i trialed off he was being loving, sweet and considerate, it was so different from the cold, distance father he was before. I never doubted that my father loved me I knew he did but this version of him was scary and new. I couldn't deal with all these big changes at once it was giving me a headache.
"My dads just being a bit strange that's all." I told the twins grabbing Ivory left hand and Issac's right hand and started to walk to school with both off them.
"Hey did you guys wait for me outside my house?" I questioned as we carried on walking.

"Of course we did angel we wanted to see you as soon as we could." Issac said bringing my hand to his lips. I stared at him for a couple of seconds blankly. He could be evil right he wasn't possessive.

"Angle are you ok?" Ivory asked me concerned.

"What yeah course um thanks" I said my cheeks going read out of embarrassment or not I didn't know.
"Let's go." I said pulling the twins with me.

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