Part 43

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"No" I whispered. He was lying, I mean all Issac did was lie and manipulate me. This was just another game to him to see if he could break me. But wait maybe it wasn't I mean we. No HE didn't use protection when he rapped me. Not to mention Mrs Nobel when she came to see me she place her hand in my stomach and told me it wasn't only my life I need to keep safe. I turned to the doctor. He looked kind but I know looks can be deceiving after all the twins looked like angels and they turned out to be demons. He worked for the Nobel family but surely he would not leave me here to suffer by myself. If only ye knew... if he knew, I had a freaking lightbulb moment. I turned to look at Issac.

"You and your twisted sister raped me" I hissed at Issac loud enough for the doctor to hear clearly. Please have a heart.

"As I remember darling you were begging for it." He replied walking towards me.

"I was fucking drugged me!" I counted getting angry. I started to pull at my hands again wanted to get them free so I could punch, slap and scratch Issac fucking stupid face. To hurt him like he hurt me.

"Darling all the doctors is going to do is take some blood and when he has taken some blood it will be tested and then we will know if you are with child or not." Issac said as the doctor came closer to me.

"If you take one more step I swear to god or whoever the duck is listening to me I will kill myself." I spat at him Issac help up his hand stopping the doctor. Thank god that threat worked I was really worried it wouldn't.

"Darling if you are pregnant it's good we can be together we can have a family I promise I will try to be better just trust me."  Issac told me with earnest. Trust him? Yeah right because that was going to happen. I took a deep breath.

"Issac you drugged me, you took me away from my friends and family. Do you really think I can just trust you like that." I said slowly to try and make him understand that what he did was wrong. Issac eyes softened as he crouched to my eye level.

"Sweetie I know what I did to you wasn't probably the best way to prove my love for you but when me and Ivory wants something it usually escalates badly. I don't want that to happen Ivory is a lot more unstable then me I am trying to get her admitted. And now you are pregnant with my child. Well i'm more worried then ever about you she might go off the deep end." Issac told me caressing my cheek.

"Ok first of all we don't even know if I am pregnant-" I started to say to try and calm my intensely raising my nerves.

"This is why I asked doctor Mathews to come." Issac said in a condescending voice. I glared at him.

"Fine. Whatever take my blood and when we find out I am not pregnant I will leave" Issac opened his mouth but my glare must of silenced. I held out my arm while The doctor took my blood. How long would it take for him to see if I was pregnant.

"We will know in about 15 minutes" doctor Mathews says. Thank the fucking Lord. I refused to believe I was pregnant there was no way I had this mans child growing inside me.

*Caleb's POV*

My baby girl. Taken away by my ex girlfriends children. This was something that would happen in a god damn telenovela shit. I looked up at my eyes that had huge dark bags under them and my slightly gaunt cheeks. I hadn't been eating or sleeping much since she had been taken. When the six boys turned up at my front door, one of them who I had met. I could tell from the expression on that boys face I did not look well.

"Um Mr l/n do you really me I'm y/n friend Emiliano." The red head asked.

"I remember you. Why are you here?" I asked my voice low and rough from not using it much.

"It might sound insane but I know where y/n is and I'm going to try and get her back."

That was a few days ago we got confirmation that Em was right the Nobel twins had my little girl. From what Em had confirmed they were extremely possessive. Possessive enough to hurt the boys. The other five boys were just teenagers it wasn't right to force them to help me get y/n back. But i was running out of options. Stay safe y/n we're coming for you.

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