Part 22

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To my surprise when I was let out of my psychology class Em was there eating what looked like a burrito I narrowed my e/c eyes at him in questioning. Em opened his mouth and said something but considering that his mouth was full of food I had no idea what it was. I widened my eyes and blankly blinked a couple of times.

"I just had P.E and I was hungry I mean it is lunch time your having lunch with me and the team right?" Em told me pulling game a long with him.

"Em I can walk by myself you do t need to pull me and considering me having lunch I don't really have a choice do I." I asked as Em gave me a sheepish smile and released me.

"Y/n you do have a choice I mean it would I'll d mean a lot if you do but if you don't want to you don't have to." He said walking side by side to me. I gave him a sweet smile.

"I will eat with you I mean now that I assume I have been booted from student council now" I mumbled the last bit.

"What why" Em exclamation stoping and standing I ground of me with a shocked expression. I moved back slightly and widened my eyes. Ok maybe I shouldn't have said that. The sound of strong running footsteps towards our direction caused my attention to shift and before I knew it Em was pushing me into a janitor closet with him. I opened my mouth to asks what the hell he was doing but Em put a finger to my lips and one to his giving me a warning look. He went up to the side of the door and pressed his ear to it listening to what ever he could hear on the other side. I looked around the dim space. I saw a empty buck so I turned it over and sat on it eating for Em to explain what the hell is going on. After what seemed like ten minutes Em let out a sigh of relief. I gave him a pointed look.

"Right maybe I should explain nobody
Every gets cut from student council it has happened once and after she died. I know what it sound like but it happened. Y/n you can't be cut you'll die." I watched Em he seemed so sincere he truly believed what he was saying.

"Em I'm not going to die any way even if I was cut it's not like I can do anything about it." I told him getting up off the bucket. Em let out a sigh

"Why does no-one every believe me" he said to him self under his breath but I still herd him.
"Y/n I don't want to see you hurt but if you truly don't believe you can change the fact you are no longer in the student council can you at least stay close to me so I can keep an eye on you. I can try to keep you safe." Em said pulling me into a hug. I tensed up at first but soon returned the hug. I was happy that I had made a new friend even if he was worried I was going to die.

"I don't think Issac and Ivory will want to talk to me so I doubt they let me in however I will try but I don't think I can do it alone." I told Em after he released me from his hug and we continued on our way to the food hall. Em Hummed in thought for a while.

"Well I have practice today but I'll see if on of the boys can cover for me and I'll come with you to talk to the troublesome twins." He told me swinging his left arm over my shoulders. I looked up to his brown eyes that were covered by some strands of red hair.

"Thanks Em." I told him genuinely he gave me a lopsided grin in response.

"No way has the Tom cat finally got a girl" a boisterous voice explained in our direction and a flash appeared after it blinding me slightly. I looked over the a group of five boys all tall and build athletics. I guessed these were Em's friends and team mates. Em rolled his eyes at them and pulled me down to sit next to him.

"Your all horrible this is y/n she our new student" Em explained gesturing to me. I gave a small smile.

"Unlike these uncultured swines I know that I herd about the whole Luna thing I'm surprised she's still enrolled here. My names Thorn in the second pitcher." The Male across from me told me he had dark tightly curled brown hair and brown eyes a strong straight jaw and nose and skin tone that matched milk chocolate. He had a sweet smile.

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