Part 49

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Issac's ending

He eyes were so deep, soulful and peaceful. I was falling. Oh who am I kidding I had already fallen. As soon as I met Issac I was in love. But he had done some horrible things to me. He said he was  protecting me he said he was keeping me safe maybe he was. My head hurt.

"So baby what names do you like?" Issac asked me I was snapped back to reality.

"I love you." I blurted out I couldn't keep it in anymore he needed to know how I felt I wanted him to know how I feel. Issac eyes widened

"Baby..." Issac said leaning his forehead on mine and rubbing my back as we laid face to face.

"Issac I'm in love with you I think I always had been it just scared me to say it but I don't want to leave you I want us, you, me, Ari or Shin. I want us to be a family." I told him Issac leaning back slightly.

"Shin seriously?" Issac said trying not to laugh.

"Hey it's a nice name" I told him defensively.
"If you want Ari then I get Shin" I told him.

"It's a great name." Issac said kissing me on the forehead. I heard hysterically crying from out side the room Issac sat up making sure he was covering me from sight incase anything bad happened.  My heart was beating fast in fear

"I WANT TO SEE HER" Ivory stretched through the door I covered my head to block out the noise and the sight. I herd some murmuring through the door and a very stern voice say something though what I did not know. But Ivory did not like it.
"No, NOOOOOO, LET ME GOOO!" She wailed till we herd the door downstairs slam.

"She's gone babe our child and you will be safe you trust me don't you?" Issac asked bringing my face close to him.

"Completely." I said before I could even think about it. Issac pulled me into a soft hug being carful of my stomach. When he let go he bent down to kiss me stomach.

*5 years later*

"Issac we shouldn't do this." I breather out a Issac peppered kissed all I've my face and neck. I looked up at the dark charcoal ceiling of the master bed room in the average size of the modern house we now live in.

"Babe stop worrying. I've been denied your body to long if I don't have it tonight I might lose it." He said slipping one of his work shirt that I normal wear off my shoulder and diving down to pleaser my breasts with his tongue. I took in a sharp breath when he attached his mouth to my breasts and started to suck.

"Issac! nooo what if some comes out." I moan into his crown.

"It would taste delicious. Honey I'm sure you don't to wake up Shin or Ari. Our son was sleeping g just down the hall he was now 4 and a bit. Where as our daughter was 2 next week and sleeping next door. I let out another moan.

"Mommy," I tired voice came from out bedroom door. I quicker Issac off me and he fell onto the floor well I quickly covered myself.

"Baby, Shin what's wrong?" I ran to my son and knelt down so I was his height. He was dark brown hair a shad lighter then his fathers and bright e/c eyes with silver flecks darling through them.

"Oww did you have to kick me to the floor." Issac asked as he rummies him bum where he landed.

"Daddy," Shin screamed and launched himself at Issac and hanged him self around Issac neck.

"Hey buddy why are you out of bed?" Issac asked my son sitting down of our bed with Shin in between us.

"I herd mommy make some strange noises I was worried she was being attacked by monsters." I felt my face go red my son herd me make the noises I made wile Issac was pleasuring me. Oh my god! I herd Issac laugh slightly when I glared at he stoped, well tried to anyway.

"Your mom fine. I was just expressing my love to her and she got a little bit excited right honey." He was a dead man.

"Your father is right sweeting anyway you need to go back to bed don't forget it's your first day at preschool tomorrow your make so many friends." I told him kissing him on his forehead as I walked him to his room. As I placed him in his bed and watched him slowly fall asleep and playing with my white gold wedding and engagement ring it hit me in that very moment I couldn't be more happier in my life.

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