Part 42

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I wasn't asleep my eye were closed, it was dark and I was laying still but I wasn't asleep. my mind wouldn't shut up about trying to find a way to either get a message out to make sure my family and friends don't come so they don't die or find away to get away from my psychotic captors. The point I'm trying to make is I wasn't asleep that's how I knew someone entered my room in the dead of night I had two guess of who it was Issac or Mr Nobel I didn't expect Mrs Nobel to softly place and hand on my stomach.

"I know your awake." She said softly I still didn't open my eyes or move.
"Here eat." She said placing a plate of toast and strawberry jam in front of me. I opened my eyes to look at it I sat up knowing she wasn't going to leave until I either talked to her or ate the food.

"I'm not hungry. Why are you here. What do you want." I told her moving my left foot the move the food away from me.

"I believe Issac told you about my and Theo's story. Charlotte said whilst playing with her wedding ring. I looked down at it. It was beautiful ring platinum with a emerald in the middle and small black opals on either side in must of coast a fortune. I stayed silent knowing she would say more.
"I never told him the full story just the highlights. I didn't have a great childhood my mother didn't love me I guess you
Know about that I can't believe Shiro would be a loving mother anyway that doesn't matter."

"You knew my mother?" I asked I knew she was friends with my dad at some time but still. Charlotte nodded her brown hair swaying.
"Was she always a whore." I ask with a straight face.

"She wasn't a pleasant person." Charlotte told me. I let out a small sigh I shifted my attention back to Mrs Noble and tried to gesture her to go on with my hands still handcuffed to the head board.
"My mother only cared about my father and that I had half of his DNA so when my father cheated on her, she broke. A month later I came home to see the legs swinging from the ceiling she hung herself." My hand tried to fly my mouth with urge to throw up again but alas I was still handcuffed. I didn't love my mother but to see someone hang them self it must be traumatic.
"Then I moved in with my father at his girlfriend turned wife and met Theo my new step brother. I instantly felt something as time that felling grew. Theo is like Issac and Ivory he's obsessive.
He drugged me made me forget certain things I still can't remember them I know they are there I cannot reach them however. He chained me to his bed he... he killed for me as I'm sure my children would for you. I'm asking begging you to give my children what they want do not turn them into monsters." Charlotte told me after she finished her emotional and unexpected story. She stood up to leave however she turn around before she did.
"Oh and y/n please do eat it's not only your life you need to worry about now."
What the hell is she talking about. I had an uneasy feeling I looked at the food. My stomach flipped again I stretched my body toward the bin and yet again threw up. However because my stomach was already empty it was mainly just bile. Ugh that was disgusting. Even though the thought of food made me gag I one) needed the energy and two) needed to remove this god awful taste from my mouth. I bit down on the toast and ate the food it helped to slightly remove the taste of the bile but water would of been better. After I had finished my food I used my feet to place the plate at the end of the bed. Trying to to smash it...yet it might be my only choice to coerce my way out of this hell. I looked back down on my bed and looked at the dark ceiling. What time was it? There was no clock in Issac's bedroom. What day was it? I bolted up suddenly I had no idea how much time had passed.

"FUCK!!!" I yelled into the room.
"Please, Issac I want to talk to you I know you can hear me please talk to me." I requested to him. I maybe waited 15 minutes before I herd Issac bedroom door unlock. I sat straight with my legs crossed. My brows furrowed when I saw a man dressed in a dark blue designer three piece suit and a white doctor's coat. I frowned at him after he followed by Issac.
"Issac?" I question not tearing my eyes away from the dark skinned male who had salt and pepper hair and goatee. He had kind brown eyes and tall, broad build.

"Angle this is doctor Mathews our family doctor he is here because I have a..." Issac paused using his hand the gestures at the air at a lost for words.
"Feeling you are keeping something from me a health something. Doctor Mathews is here to see if I am right." Issac asked. I raised my eyebrow at the doctor and then looked at Issac.

"What exactly do you think I am keeping from you?" I asked curious about his answer.

"Oh sweetie. It's that you pregnant. Pregnant with my child."

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