Part 46

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Today I met an Angel, she was so sweet, pure, innocent. As soon as I saw her I wanted her to be mine. I could tell Issac did as well. But I won't share her. Issac won't expect me to plan to get rid off him. I can use his own maid, Charity to get rid of him. Anyway enough about Issac. More about my beautiful Princess. We even convinced her to come back with us and meet mum and dad. From the moment they met her I could tell them approved but she is so perfect why wouldn't they be.


We met her outside her house today seeing her in the morning sun shining behind her, she really did look like an Angel. She said her dad was acting strange I hope he wouldn't try to get between us. They Shu had to gall to try and talk to her. He shouldn't even be allowed to breath the same air as him that's why I told George to make him 'disappear'. The reaction she gave with me and Issac whispering in her ear. It turned my heart to Jelly. She was so cute trying to keep calm but I saw how she clenched her thighs together so fucking cute. I can't wait to make her scream my name out in ecstasy. Not only that but I kissed her first in front of Everyone today it was so fulfilling like I was made to kiss her lips and she was made for me to kiss. The fact that she didn't want to depend on us just made my love for her grow she was so caring and sweet. I wasn't happy that she fell asleep on Issac and even more that she touched all over his bare chest. He has to go. He's taking y/n away from me

Today was not a good day for most of the day my Princess spent it away from us. She didn't want to be near us. She wanted to be alone doesn't she know it's dangerous any dirty filthy person could touch her. One did a fucking scholarship baseball play Emiliano. He needs to die but my Angel seems attach I don't want to see her cry over his decapitated head. That filthy boy even had the nerve to give my love little pet names like beautiful I need to hurt some kill someone. It now I just remember next store got a new bunny rabbit. With pure white fur I wonder how it would look dyed in red

I cannot get enough of the feel of her against my body it so intoxicated I might die without. I just have to wait tomorrow and they she will be mine. Well our, this means I need to come up with a plan to kill Issac quickly. I know he is my twin brother but he will come I the way of me and my goddess this means he need to die. The way she pleaded with us to let her go to that boys game was conflicting I wanted her to be happy she will be happy with me. Her voice when she begged was bliss until she said his name, but don't worry darling next time you will be begging it will be for me to pleasure you with my tongue and fingers. Anyway she will be mine soon and we will never have to see that boy again.

Today is the day. The day my love becomes ours. Unfortunately I have still not found the perfect way to dispose of my brother so for now we have the share out Angel. No matter soon she will be mine.

"Huh no more dates" I mussed as I looked over my sister's dairy I opened the next pages there were lines that looked more and more erratic as it continues.
"This is when she snapped. Perfect" I said as a smile cropped onto my face bingo.

Seeing y/n in a collar got me so wet I wanted her right now I need Issac to die

Issac was lying y/n loved me she wanted to hurt Issac because she hates him but she loves me. She LOVES ME!!!!!!

She will love the flute I got her she must

The way she was staring at me I could tell she was getting wet I mean I looked good. God if we could have children they would be perfect. She was perfect just writing this is making me wet I can't wait till tonight.

I shut the book I had what I needed. Now I have to give this the mother and she won't be able to make a case for Ivory to stay. Sorry sister but you are done

(A/n merry Christmas)

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