Part 21

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My head was still reeling did Issac really think that I wasn't using him and Ivory. Why, why would he think that. Had someone used them before. I found that equal part likely and unlikely. The way they were so open with me when I first arrived made it seem that they had never been hurt they weren't reserved or guarded that wasn't the personality of someone who had been used before. On the other hand there father was powerful in the real world and In this school world so were they being the student council Presidents they obviously had some perks and the fact it was just them made me wonder what happens to the other roles of the student council. This was so confusing.

"Psst, hey new girl" I voice sis right behind me. I ignored it still wrapped up in the fact I was completely lost in my emotions. That was until I felt a paper ball hit the back of my head. I turned around to look at the thrower. I was treating by a cheeky red head. He had pale skin and his face was covered in freckles. His fire engine red hiar was like a mop was on his head and full of curls. He had soft, cheeky brown eyes and a mischievous smile on his face.

"Can I help you?" I whispered to him so my business teacher wouldn't hear. As a response the boy just pointed to the paper. I unfolded it. Wow his hand writing was a mess after a couple of minutes trying to decipher his hand writing I could finally understand what was written

'Hey my name is Emiliano but everyone all's me Em. Anyway do you have a pencil I can borrow.'

Really he wrote a note just for a pencil I rummage quietly in my bag for a spare pencil and wrote a quick answering note and passed the note and pencil behind me  a warm hand enclosed over mine and ski toy took the note and that was it. Why didn't he want the pencil my hand was still behind me when I felt another note appear. I opened it and decoded this one to.

'Ok so i lied I didn't need a pencil I just wanted you to know my name. After all if I needed a pencil what did you think I was writing the note with.' I wanted to slam my head onto my desk and die. God why was I so gullible and dumb. I wrote him another note.

'Do you normally lie to people or am I special.' I passed it behind me and my hand was met again by the warm hand. I herd the scratching of a pen then a note was in my hand.

'Your one of a kind.' I felt a heat bloom on my cheeks. Holy hell this boy was making my blush. I glanced behind me to see Emiliano smirking I quickly turned to the front of the class god damn his smirk was cute. I tried to concentrate on what the teacher was talking about the rest of the class but I could keep on feeling Emiliano's gaze on me every know and then and it wasn't making it easy. Finally the bell rang and I could leave this class. However before I got up from my seat I was embraced from behind. I jumped from the surprise contact.

"So 'one of a kind' what class is next?" Emiliano asked me. I let out a quite sigh.

"Emiliano first of all I have a name it y/n. Second do you have to hug me and third why should I tell you?" I asked getting out of the trap that was his nicely shaped arms. I turned around and saw his mouth pouting.

"But y/n we're friends and your new do you actually know where your going?" He questioned me. I ignored him and looked down at my class schedule. I had phycology and I had no idea where it was Emiliano was right.

"Ok fine do you may be right I don't know where I'm going. But I just met you, and you lied to me I doubt that mean we are friends." I told Em crossing my arm frowning at him slightly.

"Of course that mean we're friends" Em told me throwing his left arm over my shoulder, wow he was a touchy guy.
"So what you have?" Em asked

"Psychology" I told him trying to shrug his arm of my shoulder. I was unsuccessful with my attempts though. Em smiled at me and pulled me with him silently.

"So tell me something about you y/n" Em instructed me as we travelled to the school toward what I hope was my psychology class.

"Like what." I asked barely keeping up with Em long strides.

"Anything for example what do your parent do. My mum works at a Nail salon. And my dad is a sales associate at a huge department store." Em told me I slightly raised my eyebrows how could he afford to go to this private school. I didn't know exactly how much it cost but I gathered it was slot from the buildings.
"I know your thinking how am I here I'm one sport scholarship for baseball I'm a starting pitcher." I had no idea if that was good or not I was not a sports person so I nodded like I was impressed as arm seemed really proud of it.
"Your turn now" Em said pulling me to the side to let a few older students through.

"Ok well my dad is C.E.O of a big technology company, and no before you ask I'm not going to tell you. My mother is....not in the picture and I enjoy music I play the violin, piano and I'm currently learning the flute I also sing." I told him. I didn't know why but I felt safe with Em I hoped we could become good friends.

"Wow then why did you join the student council instead of music club?" Em asked as we arrived outside my classroom. I paused why did I join student council was it because the twins asked me and I didn't have anyone else or something else.

"I honestly don't know" I said quietly.  

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