Part 50

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Issac and Ivory's ending

I didn't feel like this was right I know she had plans to kill Issac and she tried to hurt me and my chide but she was obviously not in her right mind. I couldn't let her suffer for something she couldn't control.

"Issac don't be upset with me but I think we should help Ivory" I said grabbing his hands and looking up at him with the most pleasing eyes I could muster. Issac stared at me in silence with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Help her. Y/n she tried to kill our child and hurt you she want me dead. Why do you think we should help her not to mention how do you suggest we help her?" He asked me throwing his hand in the air in exasperation. I bit the inside of my cheek trying to think of the best words to use next.

"Issac she's your sister the aunt of our child I want her involved in her niece or nephews life. She doesn't deserve to just be cast out of our life for something she wanted to do when she wasn't in her proper state of mind." I told him
"Please Issac for me, for our child don't let them grow up without an aunt." Issac let out a sigh.

"She will have to observe at all times and I'm not letting her near you without me" he said opened the door.
"Dad wait!" He yelled while  Theo was opening the door. Issac walked down the stairs slowly. I was at his heels. It wasn't just that I had feels for both of them, though that was true. I was terrified I wasn't ready to be another and I believed that Issac could and would be good father, but still I didn't want my child's family to be like mine not having anyone but your parents. Friends where just as important as family.
"What Ivory needs right now if help from family and friends mainly me and y/n. We forgive her and we will take care of her." Issac told his father sternly. Theo surprise us all he trapped Issac face and brought his close to his face.

" I thought you were in love with Y/n and she is pregnant with you child are you really ready to risk the safety of them for what some stupid hero complex." Theo hissed in a cold voice to Issac.

"I do love them but ivory is my twin dad." He said looking into Theo's eyes. Theo slowly let go of Issac's face.

"What ever happens is in you son." Theo said.

*5 year time skip*

"A boo" I said as I took my hand off my little girls dark grey eyes. She was sat on my knees as I rocked back and forwards  slightly on a rocking chair that I used to nurse both shin and my daughter. her name was Ari and she had just turned one last week. I was playing with her whilst waiting for Ivory to come back from Therapy and Issac to bring Shin back from primary school. Ari reached for my hair with open and closed hand motion.

"Mama eeee" I smiled down and my daughter and tickled her tummy as she began to laugh. I herd the key in the lock turned and herd small pitter patter of feet. Issac and Shin were home.

"Mummy mummy look I got six gold stars the teacher says I have the best singing voice annnnnd I'm super smart and a-a-a probily" Shin said pointing to his gold stars Issac followed him holding a beautiful violet unicorn plushy.

"Dada ooorn." She babbled smiling Issac took of my and showed her the unicorn kissing me on my forehead I turned my attention to my son.

"Thats amazing baby but what is a probily?" I asked him confused.

"He mean prodigy." Issac said letting Ari down to play with her unicorn.
"And your singing voice comes from your mother and your going to inherit two big corporations one day so you are prodigy Shin." Issac told him. I herd another key turned in the lock Ivory was home. I herd the click clack of her hells as she walked into the lounge.

"Ieeee" Ari squealed at Ivory she gave small forced smile to my daughter. I tried to not hold it against her. When I got pregnant Ivory fell back into a scary state and had to spend a few night in a ward.

"Auntie Ivory guess what my teacher called me today." Shin ran up to her pulling her to the sofa I was sat opposite.

"Was in a pain." She joked. Well I hope it was joke Issac thought otherwise but Shin was thought by both me and Issac to not take anything Ivory said to heart.

"No silly she called me a pro-to-gy" he told her trying to sound out prodigy. Ivory raised her left eyebrow.

"Prodigy" Issac explain ruffling his son hair. I smiled at my family my strange, loved family.

"Well I'm going to start cooking" I said getting up from the rocking chair and walking into the kitchen.

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