Part 24

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I was pacing this wasn't going to end well. The twins would not want to talk to me a free what I herd at lunched time I'm not sure I could. The twins always seemed to know when I was lying or hiding something from them. The worse part was it is I felt mean to Em, he was missing baseball practice for this and he was not fond of the twins either.

"Are you going to knock or just pace because to be honest, and I say this from a place of love, you pacing is making me go insane." Em told me as he lent by the student council room door. I gave him a mock glare took a deep, hopefully calming, breath and knock. Nothing happens for ten seconds I was just departing weather on leaving or knocking again when a cool voice from inside spoke.

"Who the hell are you and what the fuck do you want?" My eyes widened this was so not a good idea.

"Well that was welcoming" Em remarked coldly. I was going to get yelled at again. I took another breath.

"I-it's m-m-me. Y/n." I said cursing my self for stuttering. As soon as I said my name the door was yanked open and I saw a red eyes Issac and a devastated Ivory. Issac lit up with such a happy expression when he was me is was like he was shining from the outside

"Ang-" he stopped talking when his eyes took in the presence next to me.
"Why the fucking hell are you here." Issac hissed out. Em gave out a cold laugh.

"Oh believe me I don't want to be here." I turned to look at him so I really was a bother I must have look crest called because suddenly i was pulled to Em chest in a hug.
"Actually that was a lie I want to be here because I want to make sure you don't hurt y/n my friend she's only here because she want back in the student council so are you going to let her back in or not." It was getting awkward I needed to do something. Say something.

"..." anything y/n say anything.
"Please" I said quietly. I wanted to crawl into a hole and die why was I so pathetic. I could feel both boys gaze on me. I cleared my throat.
"What I mean is please don't get mad at me or Em I know your angry but I swear I wasn't using you I just wanted some time to experience school alone. I have been home school basically my whole life. Anyway I would love to join the student council again." I smiled at Issac catching Em eyes he gave me a tiny nod.

"Yay princess. My sweet baby angel. My girl I missed you so much I was so worried" Ivory cried jumping of my crushing me in a hug as she keep peppering quick kissed al over my face.

"I'm Ivory could you let me go?" I asked.

"No never I will never let you go and of course you are in the student council." She cried. I tried to look at Em he gave me a smile.

"Well that great but y/n needs to go home he fathers waiting the parking lot let's go beautiful." Em took my hand and pulled me with him before waiting for the twins to  argue. I didn't refuse I felt that if Em stayed there it would end up bloody Issac was looking ready to kill especially when Em called me beautiful.

"How did you know my dad was picking me up?" I asked as we walked to the car park.

"I didn't I just guessed, you will introduce me right?" He asked nudging me. I bit my lip ponding I wondering if it was a good idea or not. My dad reacted bad when I told him about Issac and Ivory however he believed that I cut ties with them so showing him I had one friend would convince him I was doing well at school it might mean that he would go back to work this week and stop being the new him.

"Sure. He over there" I told Em gesturing to my father who was furious texting on his phone as he lent again the hood of the Lexus. I soon felt a vibration in my pocket I knew it was going to be a text from my father asking where I was. I was now pulling Em towards my father before he went full blow protective father.
"Dad calm down I'm-" I was cut of by my father crushing me in a hug. I returned his hug still taken aback that he showed me such affection in public.

"Where were you y/n you are supposed to be here as soon as classes finish." He sternly told me.

"Oh so this is my fault your supposed to be at work. I'm late as I was getting my friend to introduce you. Emiliano this is my father." I told Em introducing him. Em's mouth was slightly open.

"it's very nice to meet you" Em said when he shook his hand and managed to gather him self.
"But I need to get to baseball practice I'll see you tomorrow y/n" he said bringing me into a hud then whispered in my ear.
"There's no wonder your gorgeous I'm not gay but y/n your dads hot" he told me. My dad took hold of my shoulder as we watched Em run off.

A/N I have just watched Hamilton on Disney + and it was amazing if you have not watched it you should it was phenomenal.

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