Part 38

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I closed my e/c eyes seeing the red of the back of my eye lids waiting for the pain of my death to hit. I wanted Em to choose his mother he had to choose his mother. I could not be the reason his mother would go through the future Issac foretold.

"But of course there is the third option leave her this town even better this country to never return we can even give you and your mother a nice little sum so she can set up another pathetic salon it's up to you. But times ticking" Issac said I opened my eyes he had the phone in his hand. Ivory still had her hand around my throat my mind was starting to get hazy. Em unclenched his hands and seemed to sag in defeat.

"Y/n..." I herd him cry I looked and saw anger and misery pour down his face in hot tears.

"Em" I chocked out my first real friend my heart was breaking for him. Ivory hand tightened more if this was to continue I would die.

"At least let me say goodbye. You can't be that heartless." Em spat at Issac still glaring at him with pure unadulterated loathing. Issac smirk and hummed as if pondering what benefit it would give him. As he looked around his eye met mine I don't know what he saw that made him agree but he did.

"2 minutes not a second more." He hissed

"But Issac-" Ivory began the say in disbelieve.

"Ivory I am older  and I am telling you to let her go." Ivory dropped me I crawled away and threw my arms around Em pressing my face into his strong chest and his arms circles you waist. My tears were poring down my face.

"Listen we don't have much time I'm the first wave." Em whispered in my ear. What the hell was he talking about first wave wait he didn't mean what I thought he meant did he.
"We're getting you out of here your father working his magic and money to get you out and Aid is using his dads influence as well I am just recon." He told me urgently he could tell his time is running out.

"Em". I whisper as I hugged him tighter.
"I love you." I told him I pulled back slightly looking at his face. I wanted to kiss him but that would end in his death I wasn't going to do that to him.

"Tick, Tock" Issac mocked us.

"One of a kind I love you to. We'll rescue you don't worry." He said hugging me again.

"Your two minutes are up she ours." Ivory hissed. I tightened my grip I didn't want to let go.

"Just hang on. Don't do anything to make them angry, survive." Em whisper as Issac pulled him off me. Em allowed him self to be shoved out of the room. I sagged against Issac chest that had moved to be behind me. Before I could react Issac had picked me up bridal style and was carried me out of my to god knows where but at that moment in time it didn't matter to me. I was going to be saved I was going to have a future. It was true the maybe the twins father was powerful but so was my father and I have belief the belief that true love always wins. I was not going. To let my story become a tragedy.

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