Part 51

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True ending

No y/n remember every fucked up thing he did to you. Kidnapping you, drugging you, raping you. A mop off scarlet hair popped into my head. Em! I loved Em. He was Toni my person I felt this feeling towards. I mean sure I was attracted to the twins looked who won't be they were extremely good looked and of course lucked out of the gene pool. But they were ugly on the inside. Em he was like a ray of sunshine.

"Y/n. What wrong.?" Issac said moving his hand closer to my cheek I flinched away.

"You do realise that Ivory attacked me because of you. You and your sister are both as ducked up as each other. And if you think for one second I am going to let my child raised anywhere either of your your mother stupid." I spat getting up of the bed using it as a barrier between me and the psycho that was Issac Nobel.

"No. NO! THIS IS NOT HOW ITS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!" He yells at me I stepped back a couple of stepped becoming increasingly more scared of how terrifying Issac's unstable mind was becoming.
"You love me and this is our child and because you have attachment to it you won't leave it behind meaning you'll stay right. You'll stay with me. YOU HAVE TO STAY WITH ME." He cried I was frozen I was going to die here. I couldn't see a way out I needed something anything I needed a miracle. That was when a quick succession of thing happened quickly that I still have trouble believing. Issac bedroom door was opened, Charlotte told her so a quiet apology then cracked a mahogany ornament over his head causing him to be knocked out.

"Wha-" I started

"Quickly come with me we don't have much time" she said pulling me be my hand down the stairs through the west wind of the house to rooms I've never been to thought considering most of this time I've been under lock and key it does really surprise me.

"Is he dead? Issac I mean?" I asked as I tried to keep up with Charlotte who was incredibly fast even thought she was wearing heels.

"No. But I had to get you out unlike me you don't love My children correct. I know you don't understand well not fully I love Theo even when I found out his dark and twisted side. We're are the same except I don't want what happens to Issac and Ivory happen to my grand child. Caleb waiting for at the west side of the gardens if you head to the sycamore tree you'll see him. This is as far as I can go." She piled me into a hug. The one I imagine a mother would give.
"I truly hope the best for you and you child." I ran out side but before I went. More then five steps I tired around.

"Mrs Nobel thank you and if it's a boy his name will be Shin." I told her. Before I ran towards the tree, my father and my future. I ran as fast as I can through the vibrant flowers and long grass and when I reached the trunk I could see my dads h/c hair. I didn't stop I sprites my lung hurt and  I had a stick from not exercising in so long but I didn't care. I kept into my dads arms and let go of the emotions that had been pressed down so much I wept soaking his white shirt.

"Shhh it ok baby I got you. I won't let anyone take you again I got you baby shh" he whisper over and over again until I somewhat calmed down.
"We need to leave now I had booked a room in hotel away from here for a while so we can escape for a while I packed everything of your I could come on let's go." He said dragging me with him to a dark green jeep I had never seen my father opened the back seat car doors for me and I threw myself at the person I would never see again. As I wrapped my arms around the well built red head I felt his arm securely wrap around my waist and him burry his face into my neck.

"Em" I whisper in utter relief before he could say anything I pulled out of his embrace I grabbed the collar of his maroon sleeveless hoodie and smashed my lips onto his, forgetting that my father was In front seat. Em did not.

"Wait" he said pulling away from me. He must have seen the look of pure crushing depression on my face.
"It's not that to didn't want to but you dad" he said lacking me sit in my seat and buckling me as we speed off.

"Correction her dad who just saw everything." He told us.

"I don't think he likes me" em whispered to me.

*5 years later*

I flinched as the cold liquid touched my exposed slightly enlarged belly. The nurse apologised as she put the ultrasound scanner against my tummy. Em held my hand tighter as he herd the heart beat of his first biological child. Of course he adopted Shin as soon as he could and treats Shin like his own son. however I imagine it's different. Shin looks like me quite a lot with h/t (hair type eg: thick, wavy. Straight etc) h/c hair and almond shaped e/c eyes. He also has a beautiful singing voice that I like to think came from me.

"Omg it amazing." Em whispered kissing my forehead it's the first time he heard it. He works for a professional baseball team so it's sometimes hard to get time off for things like this.

"Would like to know the gender of the baby" the nurse asked smiling.

"Yes" em practically screamed at her.

"Congratulations dad your going to have a baby girl." She said

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