Part 31

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I hung up on my dad my heart breaking telling him I was hanging out with my friends. He yet again teased me about Em while my tears started to flow. He ended the call by making sure I didn't do anything he wouldn't. which considering he was 18 when mum fell pregnant with me and he wasn't exactly a golden child wasn't a lot. Ivory and Issac silently lead me to there car and bundle me in I didn't move, I didn't react, I didn't speak I was numb my life had been taken over.

"That's my good girl" Issac told me holding out his hand as I passed him my phone. Ivory was still attached to my left side as her hands were securely wound around my left arm. Issac took out my sims card broke it in half and threw it in the trash ending my last way out of this situation.

"It going to be so fun with you staying with us we can stay up all night playing all different types of ... games" Ivory said blowing into my ear I had an idea of what games they were talking about I didn't want to play any of them. I stayed silent again, I wasn't sure how long I could stay silent I assumed that at one point they would get angry I wasn't talking to them. I didn't want to see what would happen when they didn't get there way. Issac was tapping away on his phone whilst Ivory was talking to me but when he finished he pocketed his phone and laced his fingers with mine, so I was once again trapped between the two twins. I saw Issac type something on his phone out of the corner of my eye. He looked over to me and I looked quickly down at the floor.

"A car will be arriving shortly for us." Issac moving in front of me and griped my chin.
"You will stay being my good girl won't you?" Issac asked me his eye darkening slightly. I stayed silent. My resolve wound not break not yet. Issac tightened his grip it began to hurt.
"Answer me princess." He growled. I still didn't. My jaw was beginning to hurt. Then I saw salvation turn the corner in the form of a black SUV I prayed the driver wouldn't let these twins harm me. It pulled up beside the confirmation that was currently happening. When the drivings side opened my heart soored again it was George.

"Lord and Lady Nobel, good afternoon" he said in a monotone voice. What happened.

"George." Issac said in recognition. Issac let go off my jaw I steeped back slightly and rubbed my jaw trying to get rid of the pain. Issac pulled me to the car I was about to dig my heels into the ground but in end I didn't. It wouldn't surprise me if Issac sliced open my acciles heel to stop me from running away. Ivory followed behind me still gripping my arm. Before I sat down on the soft dark grey leather seat Issac pulled me so I was sat on his lap his chest pressed on to his back and my legs placed on Ivory's lap. I didn't struggle I didn't refuse  I just blankly looked at the floor. I felt as if my world was  fading it was like I was falling in dark, endless silent abyss. I felt hand move to my knee I still didn't look up then it tracked higher to my thigh. The delicate fingers that belonged to the hand started to trace invisible shapes on my inner thigh the somehow kept on creeping higher and higher. I closed my eyes, so there were shut tightly.

"Please.. stop" I whispered out felling my eyes started to tear up. Why was this happening to me I just want it to stop everything why were they like this, why had they changed. I felt ivory's fingers still then react I kept my eyes closed wishing that this was just a bad dream. I felt the car stop and the door being opened.

"Angel open your eyes. Y/n please show me your pretty eyes." I slowly opened the to see Ivory crouching in front of me when I opened my eyes a huge smile broke onto her face. But it fell slightly when I didn't smile I didn't make any facial expression I wasn't going to give them the satisfaction.  I herd Issac sigh.

"Come on princess we're home"

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