Part 39

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The twins were arguing in the corner of the room whist I was lying on Issac's king sized, cherrywood bed covered it the blood red cover. I tried to hide the hope I was feeling I was going to be free. I was going to go home. My heart was soaring, flying I was breaking free.

"We haven the cabin in the woods, it makes sense to go there." Ivory said gesturing wildly.

"Yes Ivory let's live in horror movie great idea not to mention there no staff. The mountains are the best way." Issac said.

"NO!" I yelled at them pulling my legs to my chest. As Issac and Ivory tuned to face me Ivory walked over to the bed and looked at me.

"Angel we are doing this for you." She said sweetly. (Of course because strangling someone and slapping them is all for there sake.) Issac sat on the other side of the bed.

"Baby I was t giving you a choice and I still haven't forgiven you for trying to leave. However I don't want to hurt you if I didn't we would have to wait longer to enjoy another blissful night like we did before. Remember where me and Ivory ravished you. Where my dick caressed every part of you pussy. And I spread my seed to make sure you will carry the next noble heir." I attempted to pit my hands over my ear put Ivory pinned to the bed before i could. I shook my head in disgust.

"Oh Issac don't forget how I stretched her cut little ass hole so me and her had the joy and the thrust pleasuring each other with my favourite toys. I have so many more fun toys I want to use on you and I can't wait till your begging for me to tie you up and make you beg for me to let you cum." Ivory said pressing her body closer to me licking the shell of my ear. I opens my mouth stating to scream before Ivory stuck her tongue down my mouth kissing me. I tried to push her but she was to strong honestly what did this girl do in her spare time crush apples with her biceps. (People actually do that) I felt something moving around my waist Issac was undressing me. Fuck this I bit Ivory younger hard and screamed I was not being raped.

"Fuck, why won't you just let me love you." Ivory yelled and we whilst I kicked Issac in the face caching his nose.

"Oh I'm sorry was I supposed to want to be kidnapped, drugged and rapped. " I spat at the twins. I ruined my wrist that were starting to bruise.
"Do you want to know something even after Luna, my dad and Em all warned we that you weren't normal and that you were obsessed. I still trusted you even thought you seemed way to happy to spend time with me and practically forced me to join student council. I was still convinced that you just did because I don't know maybe you were lonely wanted a friend. Someone who didn't know that you were well you. I thought that you were nice, caring, understanding, your acting like Annie and I don't want to become Paul" (the main character in Misery by Stephan King if anyone is confused) I told them with sincerity coating every word I didn't if it would work on both of them but the look that Issac gave me before he granted me two minutes to say goodbye to Em I hoped he would understand.

"Y/n listen to me we love you just so so much if someone tried to take you away from us my heart would stop you are the only one for me and Ivory." Issac said holding my hand lovingly.

"We know you don't love us. You love Emiliano but you can learn to love us and we can give you everything you will want for nothing." Ivory said kissing me other hand.

"Freedom, happiness, a better relationship with my fatherland friendship with the boys from the baseball team including Em." You want give me those things right." I told them.

"We can't lose you." The twins said in perfect unity.

"You have all ready started to" I told them

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