Part 11

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I unlocked the front door and was enveloped in a warm soft hug. It had to be Rose. I breathed in her comforting smell of lavender finally feeling like I could relax. She pulled away and held me at arms lengths looking over me checking if I was hurt .Thankfully my blazer covered the small blood stain of my shirt.

"Your ok right?" Rose asked pulling me to her again.
"When you said you were at a friends house I... well I didn't know what to think." She told me. That reminded me.

"Uh Rose my fathers not back is he?" I asked knowing the answer would be a no.

"No I'm sorry y/n but I'm sure he will be soon. " I let out a sigh and placed my bag on the hooks by the front door. I slid off my shoes and was debating weather to go to bed or wait for my father when I heard the sound of my father cars pull up outside. I stepped out of the doorway and into the foyer as the front door was unlocked and in walked my father his h/c locks falling over his e/c eyes. He pushed it off as his eye widened in surprise.

"Y/n what are you doing here?" My father asked me I raised my eyebrows at him.

"I live here dad." I told him he hung up his black trench coat took a deep breath and turned around with a fake good humoured smile on his face.

"I know that sweetheart I mean awake and In the foyer." He said walked towards the kitchen dismissing Rose.  I followed him.

"I was waited for you. I made some friends today and they invited me round." I took a breath.
"There mother said she knew you. Her name is Charlotte, Charlotte Nobel." I told him as soon as I said the last name my father whipped round and gripped my shoulder harshly. I winched one pain as his grip reopened the wound Luna gave me. My father didn't notice he leaned in close so his face that looked so much like mine was an inch away from mine.

"Y/n listen to me and listen very closely Charlotte was a very good friend of mine until she fell in love with someone who was... how do I say this possessive. She is still with that person and now it seems she's had a child with him. I don't want you near them do I make my self clear Charlottes husband is dangerous. Stay away." My father said in a low serious voice. But I was not going to give up.

"But that's there dad not Ivory and Issac they are sweet and kind I like them please dad they are the only friends I've ever had." I told him as my father turned around. I could see my father hands clench in the fridge do tightly his knuckles were turning white.

"This conversation is over y/n" he said slowly.


"NO ITS OVER" my father cut me off raising his voice for the first time at me ever. I froze looking at my father this was first proper conversation and it ended with him yelling at me. I ran outside of the kitchen and to my bedroom trying to keep the tears inside. I managed to keep them inside till I slammed my door shut behind me.

"Fuck!" I cried out in to a pillow. I wish I had a mother figure . Rose was a good substitute but still it wasn't the same. The twins had Charlotte. I wonder if the twins father was just as bad as everyone said. Luna was crazy I knew that much for sure. My father however he was sane well from what I knew anyway. He seemed nice enough and very caring to his wife. However what Issac said about their father before 'he never shared Mother'. Was it really to much to think he might have killed someone because they tried to take Charlotte away. Uh my head hurt. I quickly stripped of my uniform changed into a white nighty and went to bed.

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