Part 48

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Ivory's ending

(A/N when I started this book I liked Ivory and lot more then Issac but my love for Ivory had kind of died and my love for Issac has grown. I have tried to do the best ending for Ivory I can do but it hard to give a full of love ending for a character you don't love. Sorry if it sucks)

I looked into Issac's eyes they look just liked Ivory. Was Ivory crazy, she tried to kill my baby. However Issac ruined Em's life someone who I love more then this child currently. I mean it was clear that Ivory was not sane  however if she loved me maybe I could help her.

"Babe or you ok you look lost in thought are you ok," Issac asked me placing a hand on my back.

"Ivory do you think I could help her...maybe it's just she looks so sad" I said softly

"Help her? Babe she psychotic she'll hurt you." He told me angrily.

"What like you did when you stole my virginity away from me. When you impregnated me." I spat back at him standing up to him. My plan had changed yes Ivory wasn't sane but if I was going to escape either of them I would take Ivory. Issac was messing with my heart and brain if I stayed he I could tell what would happen. Two things gas lighting and Stockholm syndrome and I was not up for either of those situations. With Ivory and least she couldn't emotional manipulate me if she was in a ward.


"I DIDN'T WANT THIS CHILD" I screamed back before Issac could stop me and ran out of the room. I could see Theo and Charlotte escorting Ivory to the front door.
"WAIT," I yelled as I ran down the stair hearing Issac run after me. I slid down the banister before Issac could grab me.
"Wait please. I-I... love her" I blurted out. After that I wanted to die but I couldn't.

"You love me" Ivory breathed out. I blinked a couple of times while the rest of the house hold looked at me in shock.

"Yeah sure I love you." I said trying to not grimace. Issac ran down the stairs and tried to hug me but I dodged him.

"It doesn't matter she still needs to be assessed she tried to kill my grandchild and has plans to kill Issac." Theo told me slowly so I understood I gave him a dirty look.

"I understand that but I can help her I know she need time but I can help. While she is in the ward I will see her twice a week in exchange I want a place away from this house where I can have the baby and then when Ivory comes out she can live with me and my child whilst going to a psychiatrist." I told Theo
"Deal?" I asked holding out my hand

Theo held out his hand

*5 years later*

I felt a soft feminine hand wrapping round my waist and a soft kiss on my left shoulder then another one of my right then one more on the nape of my neck.

"Ivory I'm not in the mood." I said shrugging her off. I knew she wasn't Shins biggest fan and still not completely sane but today she yelled at him for spilling his drink of orange juice on the table cloth when he only four.

"Baby I told you I was sorry." She said moving on top of me to straddle me.

"It's not me you have to apologise to Ivory" I said
"But for tonight let my apologies to you in a way I know you'll enjoy" she said smirking at me. Before I could say anything she attached our lips together. She bit my bottom lip asking for entrance and even thought I was still slightly mad at her for yelling at Shin I still let her tongue explore my mouth. Since she went to the psych ward and going to her counselling I had come to trust her, come to understand her, come to love her. Ivory walked her finger down to the hem of my night shirt and slipped one of her hands underneath it's the other on strayed to squeeze my left breast.
"I-Ivo-o- ahhh-Ivoryyy " I moaned out as my back arch and she shoved a finger into me.

"Do you want more?" She smirked down at me. I nodded I needed more. She plunged two more fingers into me and started to roughly trust them in and out.

"Harder-er pl-please  I I need m-more I ne-need to cum." Ivory leaned down to my ear.

"Then cum Princess." As I squirted my juice everywhere there was only one thought runny through my head. I was happy.

(A/N sorry it was terrible)

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