Part 37

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I felt sick when I woke up I was naked and I could remember everything from last night. I jumped up out of the bed and tried to make the bathroom, key word being tried. I didn't make it one step before I collapsed as my whole body streamed out in pain. These fucking sick twins they drugged me and then raped me. I felt bile rise in my throat again one how I practically begged Issac and Ivory to violate me. I dragged myself up using the bed frame and shakily made my way to the bathroom and soon as I made it I bent over the toilet and forced myself to throw up the whole contents of my stomach hoping that any drugs I had left in me were gone. I lent my hot forehead on the cool porcelain of the toilet. The worst part of the night suddenly hit me and I threw up again. Issac was raw, he didn't use a condom, and I definitely wasn't on the pill. My hand went to my stomach as I spat out more bile from my throat. I couldn't be pregnant I refused to be pregnant I was not my mother I would not be a teen mum to what ever psycho child Issac would have. I dragged my self into the shower and scrubbed every inch of me ten times I didn't want a single part of me to remember last night. I hated to fact the I let the twins do what they wanted to do to me and what was worse that even in my drugged up state some primal, deep part of me enjoyed it. I got out of the shower pulling a towel around me I paused and pulled another towel around me I then remember Ivory walking out of my bathroom with only a towel on I was almost sick again. This twins that taken both my of my virginity's for them selves my (apparently) most precious thing. They had taken my home, my friends and now my virginity. When would they stop? When they taken my life. As I was pondering this is heard the door bell ring from my room I tried open my door but it my locked. Of course it was I was intrigued to who it was.  I know I shouldn't be. I told myself to ignore it after all curiosity killed the cat I paused and stuck my ear to the door. It's true that curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back again. The doorbell rang again.  I herd fast little steps go past my room then a video from downstairs say

"I'm sorry sir but master Issac and mistress Ivory aren't entertaining guests today."

"Like I fucking care. Y/N! I know your here we are getting you out doing worry." His voice rang out. Emiliano! I could cry it had only been a few days but hearing his voice it was like hearing my freedom. I opened my voice spout the shout out but a soft pair of hand cover my mouth and another pair of hand grabbed my wrist.

"Angel don't even think about it" that was Issac.

"You don't want to leave do you Angel" that was Ivory. Fuck this I was done being there toy there play thing. I bit Issac hand and in his surprise and pain he let me go before Ivory could react I streamed from the top of my voice.

"2nd FLOOR 4th DOOR TO THE LEFT." Issac slapped me. He actually slapped me pain exploded onto my cheek. I was speechless I didn't think he would slap me.

"Shut up. The really are a bitch Ivory take her to your room." Issac hissed as a bang rang for the door to my room.

"EM!" I shouted again bracing myself to the pain of being hit again whilst Ivory started dragging my to the closet.
"LET GO!" I screamed at her thrashing around in her surprisingly strong grip what did this girl do weightlifting.I herd a crash and tired the see Em breakdown the door as it flew of it hinges barely missing Issac where it fell.
"Em" I whispered seeing his mop of red curls and his fierce brown eyes I felt my heart beat heavily I missed him so much. The I herd Issac laugh, not a normal laugh it was the laugh of a crazy villain.

"So the baseball player thinks he can take what mine does he. Does he not realise he has just walked into a dragons den." Issac said as he finished laughing. I saw Em clench his fist 

"I'm not asking you permission I'm telling you y/n I coming with me." Em told Issac, the conviction in his voices warmed me.

"ELIANE!" Issac yelled as the women with greying hair who had delivered the flute ran into the room. After bowing to Issac and Ivory she looked at the floor.
"Tell Lenard to attack butterfly salon will be burnt to a crisp I wonder how strong you'll be when your mother won't be able to pay off her debts how strong will you be when the only thing your mother can do is sell her body to make ends meat living on the street." Issac told Em. Ems face when red in angry.

"You filthy fucking bastard."  Em muttered he clenched his fist tighter he was about I could feel the tension room. Ivory fingers moved suddenly from my wrists to my throat.

"Wha-" I chocked out.

"Make a move on me and my brother I'll break y/n neck, don't test me if I can't have her no one can." She spat and Em with clear intent to make the threat true as she tightened her fingers around my throat my eyes bulged slightly I tried to call her hands away but I was failing.
"Whats it to be?" Ivory asked

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