Part 25

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My dad just stared at me after Em left. He expressed was unreadable. I turned to the car and got in my dad followed after me he put the keys in the ignition but did not drive.

"Sweetheart I think now that you have a boyfriend we need to talk about adult relationships and the birds and the bees." My dad said I held up my hand.

"Dad it's kinda sweet that you want me to not the same mistakes you and her made-" I stated

"You are not a mistake you are a miracle  the best thing in the world to me. My world." My father interrupted stealing a quick glance at me. I rolled my eyes which were identically his.

"Anyway my tutor already covered all the sexual education stuff well most of it and Em is just a good friend. his is not my boyfriend so I don't need that conversation" I told my dad. My father looked at me trying the gage if I was being truthful.

"Ok I believe you. Y/n I know before we didn't really talk and I wasn't always there for you but I tried to make our life as contactable as it was and money buys comfort. I do wish I could have been a bette feather to you and more involved and for that I am truly sorry. From know on I want you to know I want to be more involved I want to know about you classes your friends the after school clubs you want to join" my father told his eyes fixed on the road ahead. I bit my lips was this the best chance to tell him a joined the student council. I didn't have to tell him who was in it right. I was going to do it.

"Actually dad I've joined the student council the only meeting we really have is over lunch because they want me to get used to the school so far but i image in will  be after school when I'm used to the school." I told my father. My father hummed his response as we arrived back home. I opened my car door. As my father got out the other side of the car I got up in my tips gave my father a quick peck on the cheek.
"Thanks dad I love you.i gotta do my home work." I yelled as I ran up to my room trying to digest another never ending day at school. I flopped down on my bed and stared up at my pale lilac ceiling, with out looking away I felt around for my bag and when I felt it I placed in on my chest. I looked away from my ceiling and started to look at the homework I needed to complete. One of my pieces of homework was reading chapter 1 - 3 of the book misery. I grabbed my headphones that were hanging of the back of my desk chair and plugged it into my phone I scrolled through all my own created playlist and clicked on reading I had a play list for every single 'activity' I probably ever done. I settled down on my bed and began to read. When I looked up from the words on the chapter 4 it was dark. I was so absorbed in the book and jotting down themes and interesting thing about it I didn't realise how late it got. A soft knock sounded from my door. I peeked round my door.

"Dad?" I asked seeing my dad smile widely at me.

"I made your favourite miso soup." My father told my his arms opened slightly wanting for a hug. I walked out and closed my door and walked down to my food.
"So have you heard?" My dad questioned me I raised my eyebrow at him in question
"Your going off a field trip a week long field trip." My  father told me.

"What? Why? How do you know?" I asked.  My did no-one tell me important things.

"I got an email from your school asking for my permission. If that boy was your boyfriend I would probably say no. I don't want my daughter to be deflowered on a school drill trip." My father mused before blowing on his soup I could feel a blush spreading across my face.

"Right so can I go or not?" I asked my father raising some of my own soup to my lips. My father searched my face I didn't know what he was looking for but it was certainly something.

"I don't know if you would want to go it's not needed for your education and your never been away from home before." My father said quietly either thinking out loud or talking to himself.
"But you know how to take care of yourself and Your smart you have common sense your not like your mother" my father carried on.
"If your really want to go y/n I will not stop you it's your choice." My father told me eating some more of his soup.  The rest of diner was spent talking about nothing really important until my father asked the same question Emiliano did early today.

"Sweetheart why did you join student council I thought if you were going to choose any clubs it would be music club." I paused. I didn't know what to say. What could I say. 'I wanted to join music club but two slightly possessive borderline manic twins forced me to join the student council, oh they happened to be the children of you old high school friend.' For some reason I doubted that would go down to well. I bit my lip debating what to say. I never had really lied before I never had to.

"They offered me a position and I accepted I thought I would be able to do both, however at this school you can't do both it's unfortunate but you taught me that l/n don't go back on their words so I'm stuck with it." I told my father

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