Part 26

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Before I knew it it was Fridays afternoon we only had the weekend and then it was the field trip. To the country side by the coast. I had spent every lunch, ever single moment not is classes with someone it was either Em or Thorn alone or individual. The rest of the boys or the twins. I felt like I was being guarded. The boys were guarding me from the twins and vice versa.

"So princess are you doing to watch me do my thing tomorrow?" Adrian asked me throwing me a wink.

"You want me to watch you pick up easy girls thanks but that a hard pass." I told him. While Wyatt put his up to high five I reluctantly agreed. Adrian gave me a frown.

"Well you always say that is your thing" Nixon lectured him. I suddenly felt arms hug me from behind.

"How's my girl." Em asked my blowing in my ear.

"Em what is wrong with you why didn't you tell y/n were playing tomorrow she new nothing about us playing." Adrian glared at Em.

"Wait your playing and I can watch can I please I want to see the best baseball player on a scholarship please." I asked dEm turning round so I was face to face with him. em was biting his cheek I could tell he always did that with decided wether to say no or yes. He gave me his signature grin.

"For you my one of a kind anything." He said tickling my sides I started to laugh and try to fight him off while the others boys was laughed too.

"Unfortunately, for you, lady y/n can not watch your tedious game." Issac exclaimed as he appeared out of the hall connected to ours out of the blue. Em narrowed his eyes at Issac as Issac did the same . Ivory snatched me away from Em tickling hands and embraced me the her chest again. There seem to be a star off between the baseball team and student council over me.

"Why not?" I asked the student council, still pressed to Ivories chest.

"We're meeting that day." Ivory told me. Since when? I was part of the student council why do they not inform me or at least ask me if I was ok with this meeting time. It was the same with Emiliano if he had informed me beforehand of his match I would have made sure to go and it would have made plans for it. Em lets out a cold laugh.

"Oh of course you just happen to have a meeting on that same day and time as my match it a complete coincidence right." Em spat spitefully at the twins. I pulled at Ivories collar to let me go. Ivory let me go form he hug but still clung to my right side.

"Surely we could have the meeting after the game or at the game I would really like to watch Em play he's my friend." I pleaded to the twins. Ryan put his hand on my shoulder.

"It's ok if you can't watch us I'll make sure
Someone films it for you." Ryan told me. I thanked him. Before Issac took my other side and started pulling me away I didn't want to fight anyone so I let them drag me. I sent a apology to Em with my eyes. Ivory and Issac dragged me into the student council room where I took a seat on the love seat and crossed my arms.

"That wasn't very nice I wanted to watch Em play. I don't know much about baseball but there my friends." I told the twins. Ivory's eyes started to glisten over with unshed tears.

"B-but we're y-y-your friends too" Ivory stayed to wail. Oh shit.

"Of course your my friends I love you but Em is important to me to." I said hugging Ivory trying to calm her down.

"I knew it you love us much more then that dirty baseball player." She squealed. That was not what I said but I decided to let it go. Issac pulled me off Ivory impatiently.
"Huh? Oh I think Issac a little bit annoyed because he's not getting as much affection as me." Ivory teased he brother. Issac sent her a silver glare then pulled me to his hand chest and placed on of my hands to his hair. When my hand met his dark locks I started the thread my fingers through it. It was just to soft to resist. I heard Issac let out a soft sigh as though all hiss stress was melting aware it reverberated around me as I was I was pressed so closely to him. I felt slim arms slid around my waist so now I was sandwiched between the to dark ethereal twins. It was peaceful to a degree but I also had a nagging feeling. Where they being protective of me or were they being possessive.

"Um Issac, Ivory would like to come to the baseball game with me?" I question I felt both of them still but before they could say anything I continued.
"I know you said I can't go but I though if you were there then that will be okay you'll be able to.... protect me to be .... with me." I said hoping they would say yes just not knowing that I had maybe just sealed my fate. I felt Issac look over my shoulder at his sister whist they had a conversation with there eyes.

"Okay princess but one of us will be with you at all times understood?" Issac told me.

"Understood." I replied

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