Part 28

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Part 28

"There's my girl." Em said sliding up to my side squeezing my waist.
"You didn't reply to my text." Em said leaning his head into my neck.

"Sorry I had this...conversation with my dad it was weird." I told him. He started to lead me to the field school was still pretty quiet.
"Where is everyone?" I asked

"The teams are in the field practice I was waiting for my girl." He told me winking.
"Everyone else will come later but you can watch your boy do his thing" Em told me.

"Oh good so Thorn is here." I told Em teasing him he stopped at pouted at me.

"Not funny" I let a giggle as we turned a corner. Only to be met be Issac impressive figure. He was wearing black skinny ripped jeans that fit him amazing well and a dark charcoal jumper that hugged his biceps remind me when I ran my fingers over his wet chest. His hair was a bit more messier then normal it looked good. Issac's eyes studied my body from my toes to my head a slightly dark look in his eyes I felt Em grab my waist and pull me slightly behind him.
"Can we help you?" Em hissed out if gritted teeth. Issac grey eyes flicked to Em's brown ones and my e/c flocked between them like I was watching a tennis game.

"I'm come to collect her for our meeting surely you don't expect a refined women such as lady y/n to watch your uncivilised practice do you. Em was getting angry. Issac should not have insulted his team and the game I had to do something. I jumped in between.

"It's ok Em really I would love to watch you practice I would but I'll go with Issac and come find you before the game to which you good luck go knock em dead." I said giving my best calm and happy smile to Em. Em game me a smile and tight hug I had a feeling that he was glaring at Issac behind me and I knew Issac was staring daggers at Em. Em let go off me and I was right he was glaring at Issac as was Issac. Issac gentle took my hand as we set off towards to council room as we turned to corner I saw Em frown at our intwined hands. Me and Issac didn't talk as we made our way to the council room It felt awkward. Suddenly Issac turned me and pinned we against a wall with his hands on either side of my face. I winded my eyes.

"Y/n I'm going to ask you a question and you will answer me honestly. Do you understand" Issac asked my in a deep low voice lanced with dominance I nodded out of instinct. He let out a exasperated sigh.
"Words y/n I need you to say it" he told me his dark eye piecing into mine

"Yes I understand" I said fumbling over the words slightly.

"Good. What are you feeling towards Emiliano and the other boys on the team?"  Issac asked me I gave him a blank look. My feelings?

"My feelings there my friends I like them they funny and kind. They are my friends like you and Ivory." I told him Issac gaze darkened.

"Really so then do they do things like this." Issac said getting closer to me he undid on of the buttons of my dress so it was just covering the top of my bra he pulled my collar away from my neck traced his fingers down from the my ear to my pressure points them dived kissing and biting my neck I was so shock I let out a gasp then a sound between a moan from the kiss and scream form the pain from the bite. Issac covered my mouth with his hand. He started to kiss lower leaving hickeys all over my neck. He finally pulled away and took his hand off my mouth while I was panting out of breath.
"Well lady y/n does anybody does that to you or make you fell like that. I'm a lot more they just you friend' y/n remember that."

"Fine! if your then my friend, what are you? what am I? what are we!" I screamed then lent back on the wall coverings my face why was no one clear with me. I wasn't used to this type of life. I had never been in another school before. Issac moved closer to me again he moved my pony tail that had swung to side away from my neck and ear and began to slowly lick and suck at the skin.

"I want you. You are mine. Everything is mine. Your body, your heart, you mind. Your soul they all belong to me. Every single though every movement every waking and sleeping moment will be consumed by me." Issac said he moved his fingers towards my highest button on my dress and began threading it in and out of the hole.

"B-but I d-d-don't belong to anyone I'm not a possession." I said meekly the things Issac's tongue was doing was making my head fuzzy. He finally stopped playing and let my dress fall more I quickly tried to cover my bra but Issac was faster and grabbed hold of them pining them beside me.

"Don't be shy angel it's only me and you will never cover your self i front of me. And regarding what you said before. You wanted to know what your well now you have your answer you are mine and Ivory possession. You don't have a choice in the matter." Issac said letting my go and pulling me to his side.

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