Part 30

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My throat and hands where sore from all the yelling, clapping and cheering as Em's team destroyed meadow views team. The bleachers erupted into cheers as we won and the spectators spilled into the field to congratulate our team however I hung back I wanted to congratulate my friends but the crowd on the field intimidate me quite a bit. I saw Adrian hug a small ginger girl and swing he around. Thorn and Ryan high five, Wyatt hugging a cheerleader I'm guess it was his cousin, and Nixon pulling his t-shirt over his head and rubbing around. Then my eyes met Em and my heart skipped and beat he looked elated. This was Em truly happy I couldn't help but smile.

"Why are you looking so happy princess," Issac whispered in my ear in a monotone voice.

"Is seeing that scum happy making you giddy. You know that not very nice baby you're making us sad I think you need a punishment" Ivory whispered in the other ear. I shivered I was scared. This relationship with the twins that started so nice and normal at the start has now turned into something so dark and twisted.

"Yo n/n what are you doing just standing there you not going to congratulate your man." Adrian yelled at me. I wanted to face palm but the twins hold on me was strong.

"Don't move that is an order from me y/n remember what you are you are my possession y/n." Issac said sternly into my ear.

"He can't make you feel how we make you feel babe." Ivory said I watched as Em playfully punched Adrian on the arm then turned to look at me. His face fell and he looked angry. I must have looked as terrified as I felt. Em whispered some thing to Nixon who was next to him. His face also turned stormy. Oh no I really hoped they wouldn't do anything stupid.  They were walking to us oh crap. I turned to Issac

"Please let me go just for a moment if you don't you'll hurt Em and Nixon" I said Issac opens his mouth.
"Don't lie you say I'm your possessions fine them I'm your possessions just please let me make sure they don't find out please Issac I'm begging you. Please" I said as my eyes began to leak.

"You have one minute"Issac told me letting me go I herd Ivory complain about something else but right now I didn't care Em and Nixon. My friends were my priority.
I ran to them and engulfed them in a hug one for each.

"What wrongs honey" Nixon asked me. I started to tear up more.

"I love you guys know that but I can't hang out with you anymore I'm sorry." I said. Em brought my face in his hands and brushed my tears away with his thumbs this made me cry even harder.

"Y/n just tell me is it the twins who doesn't want you to hang out with me or is it you." Em asked his brown eyes capturing mine. 

"Em I love you." I told him then I turned away from my best friend. Em tried to reach out a grab my hand but I wouldn't let him my last minute of freedom was up I was now and forever the twins possession. However I was going to make them wish they never claimed me as theirs.

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