Part 3

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This was awkward Issac and Ivory were dragging me down the hall while I was still silent they pulled me pass class room and class room with out saying anything they seemed to have collectively know what they were both doing. Maybe these twins were telepathic.

"Ok can we like slow down a second?" I asked digging my heels into the blue carpeted hallway.

"No! my baby was Issac being meaning and pulling you to hard" Ivory asked me a pulled me to her chest again.
"You hurt her you jerk" Ivory told him.

"Ivory dont be an idiot why would I hurt our angle?" Issac asked her. Ivory rolled her silvers eyes at him and let me go. I pulled my blazer down a bit and straightened myself out. I held my head high and while looking at both the twins I the eyes trying to not get lost in them asked them the question which I really wanted to know.

"Just where are we going because I would really go to my locker so I can put my bag and violin away." I told them. Ivory and Issac's eye suddenly went to my hand that was clutching my violin case. They looked at each other which matching smirks on their faces. I don't why but that smirk made me feel uneasily but excited at the same time.

"You play." Issac said he stole a glance at his sister Ivory looked incredible happy.
"Our mother and father have always liked creative people do you write?" Issac asked taking a step closer to me I resisted the urge to take a step back.

"No I'm not that imaginative" I told him looking down.

" I don't believe that angel I bet you can imagine a lot of things especially with the right people." Ivory told me holding my chime making me look in her eyes she was incredible close to me I could smell her sweet smelling vanilla (if you don't like villain choose something else) perfume. I felt arm circle my waist and a chin rest on my shoulder.

"I agree I'm sure me and my sister can help you with you imagination y/n all you have to do is ask" Issac whispered in my ear the felling of his cool breath on my ear made me clean his my eyes closed. I felt the air change in front of me was Ivory getting even closer to me just as I felt the softest touch on my lips a shout came from behind us.

"Presidents have you seen the new girl" a high pitch voice called out. I hear a deep annoyed sigh come Issac who still hand this arms wrapped around me. Issac turned both me and around as I was still in his arms.

"Hello Luna" Ivory sneered at her. Luna was a bit small then Ivory about two inches she had the same uniform on as me only she was wearing tights not socks. She had silver dyed hair that was cut in a bob she had an olive complexion and bright green eyes framed by long black eyelashes she was playing with a chocker around her neck that had a planet dangling from it. Luna smiles a genuine smile back either oblivious to Ivory glare or she just didn't care.

"You found her Oh thank god when Mrs Black told me she went off with you I was scared" she said walking towards us. Issac righted his arms stout my waist.

"And why is that" Issac growled out at her. Luna looked scared for a moment but quickly hid it. I was so confused is this what high school I normally like.

"Oh. No reason, I'm Luna you y/n right" Luna said holding out her hand to mine. I looked at her. The twins didn't seem to like her and I felt if I was friendly to her it might have bad consequences.

"Hi" I told her ignoring her hand. Her expression dropped and then turned back to her happy smile

"well how about we go drop your things off at you locked and then I'll shows you your class room and the food hall."she said and turned to walk away I tired to pry myself out of Issac hand but he wouldn't let go.

"Issac can you let me go?" I asked giving up to pull his arms off.

"Sure if you give me a kiss." He said his silver eyes boring into my e/c ones. He could t be serious I didn't even know it wasn't bad enough that when we met he kissed my hand now he wanted a full on kiss my first kiss.

"Your joking right" I asked his as I stare to pull at his arms again I wanted to leave what kind of man asks you for a kiss right afore knowing you for less then an hour.

"No, one kiss please" Issac said tightening his grip if he tighter it anymore it was going to get hard to breath. No I didn't want to kiss him. I looked up to him that was lie. He was incredible handsome like some dark angel. His silver eyes were hypnotic before I knew it I was leaning up on my tiptoes and placed a soft quick peck on his cheek. Issac's face bloomed into a breath taking smile his face light up as his arm release me.
"Thank you miss l/n you may go know" I quickly bowed and ran after Luna.

" I still kissed her first." I herd Ivory tell Issac in a smug turn behind me.

"You call that a kiss" Issac replied as they walked away. When I turned to corned I was faced by a terrified Luna. She grabbed my shoulders and started to look all over me making sure I was safe and ok. I gave her a questioning look.

"Oh thank goodness you ok y/n you need to try to stay away from those twins there evil." She told me pulling me to the lockers. Evil how could someone who looked like them be evil.

"Wait hold on a second what do you mean evil them seem alright to me maybe a bit... intense. But apart from that nice" I told he pulling my hand from hers and crossing my arms. I really wished people at this school would stop pulling me around.

"I want to tell but I can't they would hurt me." Luna said with pleading with her eyes. I looked her over she did look genuinely scared. I gave out a sigh.

"Luna if you want me to believe that they are bad you need to tell what they have done." I told her.

"Ok fine"

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