Part 27

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Saturday day dawned cloudy but humid I didn't know if this would help or hinder the teams performance after the twins told me I could go they bell had rung marking the time for my next class and the last class of the day and week which was luckily English so I sat by Nixon and told him the good news he threw his arms around me a hugged me happy that I would watch them 'destroy Merryview' his words not mine.

I did not know what I would wear to a baseball game my wardrobe manly consisted of mid thigh flowy dresses and skirts, a few shirt dresses two pairs of dark jeans and one pair of shorts. I needed my jeans for the trip as I was told pants were needed. It looked to cold for shorts without tights an I didn't think that would look right at a baseball game. I looked through my hangers and chose a dark blue shirt mid thigh dress (I thought the school colours would be appropriate) then paired it with tall just under the knee brown lace up boots. I pulled my h/l h/t h/c in a high/low pony tail and made my way down the stairs to the sweet aroma of baking waffles.

"You look nice I assume it's for the boy who is definitely 'not' your boyfriend" my dad said glancing at me using his fingers to make air quotes around the word 'not'. I let out a sigh.

"He's not my boyfriend he is just a friends who happens to be a boy just because he's my first friend I have introduced you to does not mean we are a thing. Also if this is how your going to be with the rest of my friends he might be the only one you meet." I told him walking to the breakfast bar as my dad retrieved the maple syrup from the fridge as well as some sliced apricots. He also grabbed two glasses and filled them up with freshly squeezed orange juice.

"Oh come on sweetie you wouldn't deprive your poor old dad of having the chance to one, embarrass you in front of your front of your friends. And two, give you friends the third degree." My dad told me giving me a cheeky smile and he checked on the waffles and seeing them done started to plate them up.
"Any way when is the game and when do you want me to pick you up?" He asked pouring syrup over his waffle and sprinkling the sliced apricots on top. I chewed the inside of my cheek.

"I'm not sure I have a council meeting after the game but I'll let you know if I need picking up or if I'll walk home." I told him cutting up my waffle.

"Correction," my dad said brandishing a piece of waffle that was on his fork.
"You will call me with a time to pick you up as I will pick you up as you are not walking home." My dad told my fixing with his hard e/c eyes

"But dad-"

"No y/n I'm picking you up I know we don't live in a hot bed of crime but you can never be too careful. Which brings us to my next topic of conversation, this is for you." He said pulling something out of the pocket and passing it to me.

"A whistle your giving me a whistle?" I asked spinning it between my thumb and index finger.

"Correction number two." My father said holding up two finger it not a just a whistle it's a rape whistle." My dad replied calmly. My fingers stopped making the whistle drop to the table. What. The. Hell. I still couldn't believe my dad, with a straight and calm face. My father reached over the table and picked it up.

"How long have you had this." I asked my dad.

"A couple of..." he trailed off, what a couple of weeks months
"Years" my father finished.

"Years what the hell did you just assume that I would need it at some point." I yelled clenching the hem of my dress.

"Y/n I got this five years ago when you started to..." he waved his arm looking for the right word.
"Develop" he chose the wrong word. I rolled my eyes. My phone pinged I looked at it. A smile came onto my lips it was a photo of Em in his baseball uniform with a message.

'So are you going to wish your Ace amazing luck xxxx' he always sighed his text with loads of kisses I didn't find it that strange. I mean why I would the first time I met the twins they kissed me. Maybe I should find it weird. My father cleared his throat he was still holding out the whistle. I let out a silent sigh.

"Thank you for the... whistle lets pray I never have to use it. I will get going now and yes I will call you when I am done. See you later dad." I told my dad taking the whistle and heading to the ground door.

"Your welcome sweetheart."

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