Part 15

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I looked down at the book we were going to study this term in confusion. It's wasn't a Shakespearean novel, nor was it move of me or animal farm. However it was by one of my favourite dark authors Stephan King. The book in question was called Misery. I had to admit I had not read this one, but I wasn't excited to anyway. I turned the book over to scan the blurb. 
      'Bestselling novelist Paul Sheldon has finally met his biggest fan. But now she is also his captor, keeping him prisoner in her isolated house. Annie has a lot of ways to get Paul to write his greatest work—just for her. One is a needle. Another is an ax. And if they don't work, she can get really nasty'
Hmm sounds interesting I had to say the thought of someone becoming obsessed with someone else seeming to be a reoccurring theme in my life at the moment. But just the thought no one was actually obsessed with me. Issac explains why he looked at my schedule and it made sense especially considering the first time I met Luna she made my shoulder blade. However the fact that two people have now warned me about the twins was unsettling to say the least bit I trusted them. I liked them. Uhhh. I rested my forehead against my seat which was on the row by the widow. I needed to silence my mind so I could focus on the class. The teacher was saying something about obsession. So I ignored my spiral of annoying thoughts and listened to her.

"-many stories have a thread of obsession if it's the villain obsession to destroy the hero or the hero's obsession to do good. Why do you think we as humans wrote about obsession?" She asked the class. It was good question a few students raised their hands. I slowly raised my hand too. The teacher who was a women who looked about 35 she was quite small though roughly 5"2 smaller then me. She had a head of brunet corkscrew curls and kind wide set brown eyes with caramel skin and a small speckle of freckles on her nose. She was wearing a red wine skirt suite with a cream shirt and black kitten heels. She gestured to me
"What are your thoughts miss-?"

"oh yes sorry it's l/n I'm new." I said
"I think it's because everyone has a small amount of obsession in them we all experience it it's universal." I said

"Interesting thoughts may I ask you to explain more" she asked me l. I bit my lip thinking a couple of seconds.

"Take athletes for example there obsession to win is there even thought the word obsession makes us think it's unhealthy it's not always unhealthy. Another example is a father's obsession to make his child have comfortable life so he works excessively um so see every one has obsession just for different tings we want we obsess" I said while the whole class looked at me I tried to keep my face  form going to red. I hoped it was working. The teacher smiled kindly at me

"Very well said Miss l/n I can image you will have some interesting thoughts about this book." She said I tried to smile back it was more like a grimace. Was my dad obsessed with me having a comfortable life or was he obsessed with success. I didn't know. I didn't know my own father. A soft sigh escaped my lips. It's wasn't only my second day of this new life and my Brian was all ready spiralling out of control and my body was feeling drained after two classes. maybe all three years of home schooled had messed me up more then I thought. Or this school was just insane. When the classes ended I came face to face with Issac and Ivory. I gave them a tired smiling hoping they would walk me to my next class with out kissing me this time. However if they did I wouldn't complain. Oh my Lord I was being lead by everything this twins did I wasn't even fighting back not that I had anything to fight back to but the whole point of me going to a normal school was two Stan on my own two feet and be independent but here I was depending on Issac and Ivory I needed to stop.

"Issac, Ivory I'm sorry." I said. Issac and Ivory turned to me with look of worry and confusion on there beautifully carved faces.
"I'm sorry I'm depending on you I came to this school to be independent it I'm not so I apologise for that" I told them bowing slightly. I heard a soft musical laugh

"Oh baby you don't need to apologise I like the thought of you depending on us, relying on us for anything. You agree don't you Issac" Ivory said hold out her hand to me.

"Of course angle you gave our life purpose, cause, light it's only fair we take care of all your... needs" he said giving me a wink wile my face flooded scarlet. I shook my head getting the thoughts of just how they could take of my needs out of my head.

"But that's not right everyone needs some sort of independence or else how else are they going to grow up to be strong, crucial members of the community." I said will Issac rested his chin of my shoulder.

"I love it when you get all argumentative" he said as he gave my neck a quick peck

"I'm not being argumentative I am just trying to get my point across, anyway you do understand what I'm trying say correct." I told them exasperated.  Issac and Ivory shared another telepathic look

"Sure" they said in sync

(A/n  I am currently on lock down so I plan to update this story a lot to have something to do so I don't go out of my mind. If you to are on lock down even if you are find it just remember they are so many things you can do. Stay safe and if you are on lock down stay home.)

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