Part 10

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Part 10

After spending about half an hour in Ivory's bedroom, Issac was itching to leave. He would also not let go of my arm.

"Princess that's enough time in Ivory room come with me to mine" Issac said pulling on my arm. I just let him pull me along better then fighting and getting a mark on my forearm especially considering I already have a wound from Luna today. It was hard to believe that was only this morning it seem like so long ago. Issac however didn't pull me out into the hallway he pulled me to what I assumed was Ivory's en-suit. The bathroom, that held a high pressure shower a jacuzzi tub a toilet and a pair of double sink with a wide back light mirror over them, was tiled with white and black. The inbuilt wall towel rack held soft looking charcoal grey towels. I noticed a door on the other side of the bathroom and I finally understood why Issac had pulled me into the bathroom. It was shared between the twins. I furrowed my brows at that thought. The Nobel family lived in a modern mansion so why did the twins have to share a bathroom, however it was not my place to question them so once more I bit my tongue. Issac pulled me into his bedroom I inhaled the sent that I loved wood smoke. Issac bedroom was very him, dark and masculine. He had dark red walls a kind sized bed with dark charcoal duvet with a burgundy throw on it. He had a mahogany desk opposite the bed. I noticed he had one of the newest brand of laptop. His desk chair was a deep red and his floor with was mahogany as well had a ruby red rug on it placed by his bed. I was dumb struck by the sheer size of the bedrooms which was the double size of mine I didn't even notice when Issac sat down on his bed pulling me into his lap.

"I know I mentioned it before but this house is insane" I said again. I saw Ivory giving me an annoyed pout.
"What wrong Ivory?" I asked. 

"Why are you sat on his lap!" Ivory said angrily stopping her left foot. I finally felt what I was sat on. I leapt up off Issac's lap and mock glared at him. I dusted off my uniform.

"Well that was nice!" I said I herd a choked sound coming from Ivory and a breath of disbelief from Issac.
"I mean your room, y-you showing me your room was n-nice not the well y-yo-you know" I stutter out looking at the floor.
"Anyway it's best I be back anyway my father should be home and if he doesn't know my exact location I'm worried he might do something insane." I finished still looking at the floor.

"Ok but we'll come with you George can drive you." Issac said getting up off the bed as Ivory took my hands and hugged me again. I hugged her back. God I felt drained I don't know if I could keep up with this every day. Issac and Ivory led my downstairs to the front door where George was already waiting for us.

"So angel have you ever been to another school?" Issac asked me as we took the same seat as before.

"Yes but I was very young and was transferred out when I was seven and started to be home schooled." I answered him remember that day hoping that the fighting and my mother's unhealthy habits would just stop. I clenched my fist not wanted to relive the past. Not again, not yet.

"Why were you transferred out?" Ivory asked grabbing my hand and intwining our fingers. I was silent a couple of moments. I didn't want to lie to them but I didn't want to tell them the truth. Half truths should be fine right.

"My father wanted to move he wanted a better job but there was none where we lived so he transferred me out and wanted a fresh start hence the home schooling" I said looking straight ahead. I mean it wasn't a lie it just want the whole truth either.

"Just like this." Ivory muttered more to herself then me and her brother.

"You coming to school y/n it's a new start for you and us. Y/n I hope you understand how much you mean to us." Issac said play with a stand of my hair. I bit back the reply that I had only met them that day. I had the feeling that over the next couple of weeks I would get to know the twins a lot more after all we would be on the student council together.

(A/m I know I haven't updated since last year but I've been revising for my theory driving test)

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