𝟐𝟖. First Attempt

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𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚜 𝙸 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚖𝚢 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝

𝙰𝚛𝚎 𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝙸 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝

23rd November – US Championship, Day 2

"After ending the first day with 3 victories, Elizabeth Harmon closes the second day with a match against Kol Davis whose resigns after being check by her queen. Elizabeth Harmon has been more solid in her moves in comparison to her last attendance in this tournament. Right now, I dare to say that Elizabeth Harmon is unbeatable."

Beth turned off her television. She was looking at the wall but her mind was travelling in her thoughts. How could people say that she was invincible? In her mind, that sounded so inhuman. She was a human; Beth would never be an exception to the laws of the universe. She wasn't a god and certainly not unbeatable. Her heart knew that their intention was good, but her mind wasn't able to see in that way. The thought of having people that actually believes in those words, made her nervous. They were putting too much expectations on her abilities. Even with a head full of questions related to her feelings, Beth was sure about something: she would always chase the win.

Her mind was awakened by the knock at the door. She stood up quickly, slipping her fingers over her hair. Soon as the door was opened, the smile started to appear in both faces.

"What you're doing here?" Benny walked through the door, analyzing her room.

"Why your curtains are prettier than mine?" He looked at her briefly before redirecting his eyes to the fabric.

"I'm sorry, I'll ask to do the exchange."

Benny didn't answer or reacted. He was reluctant by the way he walked through her room and his intonation was coarse, something unusual.

"So, I saw you won today. Congratulations!" Beth walked up to the blonde man, carrying a smile.

Benny looked at her, swallowing. He tightens his fist, giving some distance between them. Her mind wasn't processing his behavior, the way that he was avoiding eye-contact with her.

"Thank you." Benny compressed the lips, moving his fingers compulsively.

"Are you ok?" Beth took one step closer to him, making him step back. "You seem nervous."


"No, you're not. What's wrong?" The patience was scarce in her voice. "What happened, Benny?"

Beth tried to grab his hand, in vain. Before she could do anything, Benny made his way through the door, leaving. Beth was baffled with his attitude. What did she miss? She analyzed his face since she opened the door until this moment. He was nervous, reticent, agitated, and anxious. Every emotion that went through her mind thinking about his actions and speech, wasn't good at all.

She refused to lose a night's sleep for overthinking about something that wasn't unnecessary. In that moment, there wasn't any space for hesitation. She wore her coat, hiding her pajama. The trail to his room was quick and the loud knock at the door, expressed how annoyed she was with the whole situation.

"What did just happen?" She entered in his room like a hurricane, ignoring the well-manners. "What happened, Benny?"

Benny closed the door and took a deep breath. His breathing seemed calmer compared to a few minutes ago. He turned off the tv and sat in the bed.


"What do you mean nothing?" Beth tried to handle the tears that threaten to fall from her eyes. "You can't show up, act strange and then leave, like I wasn't there. You can't play with my feelings like this, I was so scar-"

"How ironic from you, trying to teach me that I shouldn't mess with the other people's feelings." He gave a nasal laugh, staring at his fingers.

"Are you trying to imply something?" A sarcastic smile dominated Beth face.

"No, I'm not Beth." Benny rubbed his hands over his face before looking at Beth.

"Just because you're mad, it doesn't give you any right to use my as a punching bag. We already talked about this subject thousand times and I also apologised thousand times. Don't cover your frustrations on my past mistakes, it won't help you." She fought back.

"I'm sorry for showing up at your room and for the way i acted. I never thought how harder it could be, I wasn't ready." Benny finally looked at her, grabbing Beth's hand.

Beth massaged her temples with the eyes closed. She was too nervous to talk. The only way to make that conversation productive was cooling off.

"Ready for what?"

"Nothing." He mumbled.

"Benny, tell me." She stepped in front of him. "Benny, speak." Beth grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at her.

"I-I just had a bad dream." For the first time, they switched the roles. Beth had witnessed an unknown side of Benny.

"Do you want to talk about it?"  Beth sighted, taking off her coat.

"I can't talk if you keep undressing like that."

"I'm just taking my coat." Beth rolled her eyes, throwing the piece to the couch. "Now talk." Her eyes were trapped in his.

"I don't wanna talk." Benny mumbled, passing with his fingers in the hair. "Please, just forget it."

"Are you sure? I'm not amused with the idea of having you breaking into my room and acting all weird again." Beth was really pissed at him.

"I'm sorry Beth. It won't happen again. I wasn't feeling good."

"And now? Are you?"

"Yes, I am. Thank you." He gave a smile, looking at her.

"You should get some sleep." Beth refused to make eye contact with him. His room was warm, and his bed seemed a good place to sleep but today was a turbulent day for both of them. Besides, it was already late to continue the conversation. Her main worry had been already solved. She had no idea how he could overreact because of a simple dream.

"Oh, yes, you're right." He answered hesitant. "Would you mind spending the night with me?" She looked at him after hearing his question, searching for some apprehension in his eyes. "I know, I don't deserve after what happened but-"

His eyes followed her path. Quickly Beth made her way to the other side, diving in the thermic blankets. He smiled involuntarily, turning off the lights.

"Thank you." He whispered, lying in the bed.

"I swear if you scare me again like that, you're not going to survive to tell the story." She mumbled, avoiding the approximation.

"Did I already tell you how beautiful you are?" He mumbled, wrapping her waist.

"No and it's not gonna work." Beth whispered.

He chuckled against her neck, making her skin shiver. His fingers invaded her skin, making imaginary trails through her back.

"Beth." The muttered against her skin was enough to trigger an irregular respiration from her. "You're a little worked up." He smiled, kissing the neck's skin.

Beth crossed her fingers behind the back of his neck, kissing him feverishly. Benny couldn't help but smile before answer with the same intensity. One of his hands went through her hair, ruffling it. Beth tried to pull him closer to her, breaking the distance between them. His other hand traveled down to her back, ending up inside of her pants, resting between her tights, making Beth unleash a deep breath.

"I guess it worked." He broke the kiss, breathing heavily.

"Shut up." She laughed, before kissing him again.


What if I told you that we're almost in the end? </3

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