𝟏𝟑. Room 32's call

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26th October – US Open Championship – Day 1


Placard – US Open Championship

Jones x White

Harmon x Pierce

Rodriguez x Watts

Curry x Lasker

Evans x Fields

Holt x Larsen

" You made it babe. I'm proud of you. " Beth could imagine Jolene's smile.

" Thank you, Jolene. You know, I miss you."

" I miss you too girl but I gotta go. Talk later?"

" Sure, see you then."

Beth was satisfied with her first game. She was afraid of being rusty but quite the opposite, she tasted a win with only 20 moves. The phone from her hotel room started to ring. Confused, she picked up it and readily, the receptionist voice's blossomed.

" Miss Harmon you have a pending call from the room 32. Should we redirect?"

" Uh, sure. – Elizabeth mumbled."

" Ok, wait a minute. "

Elizabeth was finding this whole situation weird and suspicious. Since when there's people who wants to speak with her?

" Hello my friend."

" B-Benny? " Elizabeth stuttered. "I didn't expect this."

" Why not? Friends calls to each other's, right?" He joked, making her laugh.

" I guess so. " She seated in the couch. "Since when you're hosted here?"

" I couldn't stay any longer in my friend's house. He went to Italy. I'm jealous, not gonna lie. " Elizabeth giggled, making Benny grin.

" Are you with Leonor?"  Elizabeth diagnosed herself as masochist. Why was she talking about a girl who actually could make her feel insecure?

" Apparently, you can't share the room with someone unless you're engaged or if it's a parent. So no, I'm not with her."

" Hm, I see. " Beth mumbled.

" I saw your game today. It was pretty... formidable for a World Champion. " Benny smirked even knowing that she wasn't there.

Inwardly she thanked the fact that he showed interest and kept the conversation flowing.

" I couldn't see yours. How it went?"

" He reminded me a redhead. He was a pawns' lover just like her." He mocked Beth, making her eyes roll.

" Oh c'mon. " Elizabeth started to laugh.

" But he was good though."

The silence ruled the call. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence like the other times. She was missing him like crazy. She wanted him around, in flesh and bone. Talking with him on the phone while they could be together facing each other, felt too much impersonal.

" Hey Benny?"

" Yes?"

" Why don't you come over?"


She quickly regretted about her decision. How could she be so brave? Probably this is was the first time that she took the initiative with Benny without thinking too much. In a flash, she organized the chess table in the bed and fixed her messy hair. Her heartbeat was irregular, and her body was twitchy just like her nerves. Two minutes after, the knock's beats signaled his arrival.

" Hey Miss Harmon. " Benny smiled.

" Come in. " She opened a space, inviting him.

He was more casual than the usual. Seeing him like that remind her New York, with him. His black tight t-shirt, the black worn out jeans and his slippers. She smiled as her gaze stopped in his feet, releasing a chuckle.

" You didn't have time to wear a shoes?"

" On the contrary, ma'am. I got lazy. " He shrugged his shoulders." So, what you want to do? Knocking at people door's and then run? Or should we steal food from cafeteria?

" I enjoyed all your plans." Elizabeth laughed. " But I was thinking about some speed chess. " His smile appeared automatically.

" Just because you won me last time it doesn't mean it will happen again. " He smirked, walking in bed's direction.

" Let's see."

" Then let's play a game."

" We're already playing. " Elizabeth laughed.

" Hear me first Harmon. " Benny smiled. " Whoever wins, gains a question."

" A question? A question about what? " Elizabeth raised her right eyebrow.

" Anything."

" Let's play speed chess then. "

The first game was mastered by Elizabeth after checkmating his king in twenty moves. She was nervous but Benny was more. Playing speech chess against each other brought some good and nostalgic memories to both of them.

" What's your favorite color? " Elizabeth asked, making Benny laughs.

" Usually, it's black."

" Usually? " Beth got confused.

"Only one question, Elizabeth. " He joked, rolling his eyes.

They started another round. Beth got a little intimidated by him. She didn't expect to see Benny better than he was. His mind was faster and his movements were so sharp and confident like it wasn't speed chess at all.

" How did you get so good at this? " Elizabeth grumbled, crossing her arms.

" Who was the last person you talked on the phone before me?"

She narrowed her eyes. She could sense some second intentions in that question which she didn't understand the motive.

" Uh, Jolene?"

" Alright. "

They reorganized the table and as the clock started ticking, a new round started. She couldn't explain why but playing against Benny, made her feel happy. Usually, the chess is always fun for her but with him, everything seemed to be so genuine and purely joy.

" It's my turn now, uh. " Elizabeth smiled. "Are you in love with Leonor?"

" Are you drunk or something?" Benny was slightly surprised with Beth's confidence in asking such intimidate questions.

" That's not an answer." She winked.

" No, I'm not. " He rolled his eyes. " I only love my hat."

" Why I'm not surprised at all? " Beth mocked him, making him laugh.

Maybe he's lying but in her mind, that moment was the height of her day.

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