𝟎𝟕. Jolene

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30th Sheptember – 26 days until US Open Championship

The trip was exhausting for Beth. After arriving from New York, she spent the first week sleeping like a rock. Even outcoming as a winner, she couldn't put her guard off. During the morning, she analyzed every match from her opponents and her own games. She heard about his presence again. Frank Jones. He was the most challenging opponent. His moves were too solid, in her eyes, she saw a chess machine.

Right now, in Kentucky, Elizabeth could hear the rain pouring down from the roof. The sky was painted with big and intimidating brushstrokes with multiple shades of gray. She sat at piano's bench, picturing a race between the droplets in her mind.

That weather, for some reason, remind her of Benny Watts. They haven't talked after their meeting, in New York. Elizabeth didn't understand the outcome from their reunion. Was he really dating? Did he forgive her? Every doubt in her mind could be solved. The only thing that she had to do was calling. But again, she was way too shy to approach that subject.

Luckily, the sound of the phone released her from her thoughts. She walked to the kitchen, she stared lingeringly at her phone. Who might be?


" Cracker. How are you?"

" Jolene. "  Beth smiled instantly.  " Fine and you? How's the college going?"

" Pretty good, thank you. I met some cool white girls but the boys ain't shit."  Beth started to laugh.  " I wanted to congratulate you for your win, redhead."

" Thank you, Jolene."  Beth rested her head in the wall, releasing a sight.  "You know, I kinda miss you. A lot.

"Oh, I bet you do.  "Jolene giggled. "I miss you too, girl. Hey, did you saw him?"

" Yes..."


Beth remained quiet.


"Jolene, I don't know what to say. I was in the bar, waiting for my juice and then I heard his voice from behind me and we ended up drinking apple and orange juice. In the middle of that, we got into a mini fight. He pointed the fact I never called him and I tried to explain but I didn't know how to. In the end, I told him about that call in the middle of the night and he left me, without understanding if he was dating or not." Beth finally breathed. She saw in her a human journal. Besides being the best creature in world, she was the only one who she could trust her life.

" That's so messed up in so many ways. I guess the fact that he came to see you is a good sign and I really doubt about that dating thing. He looks too cocky to have someone, no offense."

" That's not helping at all Jolene."

" I'm sorry girl. If you want my advice, call him. Try to talk with him. Knowing you, I'm pretty sure you didn't call him. Am I wrong?"

"No... "  Beth mumbled.

" So yes, put your shit together and talk with him. I'm not a fortune-teller but I don't have any doubt that he's still into you.

" No, he is not Jolene. That's the problem. He barely looked at me. He was so distant, so cold."

" Girl what did you expect? After months without any contact, you wanted him kneeling for you? That's not how relations works love. It's about reciprocity.

" Jolene, college changed you." Beth smiled while facing the floor. "I guess you're right."

" I'm always right."

" Almost always. "

" Shut up, Cracker."

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