𝟏𝟓. Glitch

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28th October – US Open Championship – Day 3


Placard – US Open Championship

Guilmore x Harmon

Watts x Jones

That day went well and Elizabeth couldn't be more satisfied. She was the first match of the evening and as she predicted, she won. Sneakily, she sat in one of the chairs and watched Benny's game. Both of them seemed to be focused on the board. After one hour Frank Jones couldn't see any escape to win that match, consequently, he resigned. Beth clapped with the other viewers. She could read Benny's face, he was relieved. She left the place quickly and made her way to the bar. They already spoke, after that night. Benny stayed with her the whole morning: they ate the breakfast together and studied together their opponents. The idea of having someone by her side, doing the same as her, made Beth smile.

" One Apple and Orange juice. " Beth smiled.

Tomorrow would be the last day which means she was going to play against Benny. She was aware of his improvement since the last year and involuntarily a smile blossomed in her face. The excitement was too much.

" Here ma'am."

" One apple and orange juice too, please. " Benny seated next to Elizabeth, making her smile. " Oh hi Beth, didn't expect to see you here."

" Hello Benny. Nice game."

" Oh you saw it? " Elizabeth nodded with her head. "I saw yours too. It looks like the sleepover ended up being productive."

Beth chocked on her drink. Benny's courage to say that words out loud, chocked her. He just laughed with her expression.

" How can you be so..."

" So what? Did I lie?"

" No. Forget it. " She rolled her eyes.

" Hey, today, some chess players will join in main living room to play some chess, eat some food... you know, that sort of things. You should come."

" Thank you but I prefer to study and go to sleep early."

" Well it's your decision. " He smirked. The bartender brought his drink and he thanked. – See you tomorrow, Beth. " Benny grabbed his drink and left the room.

28th October – US Open Championship – Day 3

Today was a lonely day for Elizabeth. One night without him and she was already missing his presence, his smile, his arms protecting her. She felt stupid for being so attached to someone who she didn't know if he felt the same. She was already in the bed, in the darkness. It was hard for her to not remember Benny's body next to her. The sleepiness wasn't coming in Beth's way and as result, she started to think about him. Was he in that party yet? Was Leonor with him? Maybe they were in his room, alone doing things that Beth would rather not to think about.

Once her eyes were opened, she saw little rays of light entering in the room. Was 9 A.M which gave her 2 hours for preparation. She crawled her feet, warming them in the carpet. As she entered in bathroom, she took a brief shower and wore a black classic dress. After wearing her high-heels shoes, she made her way to the cafeteria. The breakfast was different today, it tasted better. Following her pleasure moment, she drove herself to the living room where she picked up a book from the shelve and started to read. The whole hotel was pretty quiet compared to yesterday.

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