𝟎𝟗. Company

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20th October – 6 days until US Open Championship

Six days before US Open and Elizabeth was already packing up, ready to leave Kentucky again. This time, Alma wasn't with her, helping her to choose what she should bring. Elizabeth felt nostalgic for seconds thinking about her.


After an exhausting plane trip to Las Vegas, Harmon decided to unpack her things. Later that day, she went to a walk aiming for something that could entertain her. Unfortunately, all she did was buy two new dresses and a beautiful scarf. Arriving to the hotel, a female voice was heard, making her turn around.

"I'm sorry, do you know where the bar is? "

Her voice was familiar to Elizabeth's ears. The woman was owner of a beautiful brown hair that reached a little under her shoulders with subtle waves. Her face was charming and well-proportioned, drawing attention to her lips that carried a beautiful-dark pink tone.

"   Go to the end of the hall, turn to your left and it's the first door on the right."  Elizabeth gestured while the eyes from the stranger woman followed her indicator.

"   Thank you." A short smile blossomed from her lips. " My name is Leonor." She showed her hand.

"   I'm Elizabeth but call me Beth." Elizabeth nodded with her head and shook Leonor's hand softly.

"   Well I have to go. It was nice to meet you, Beth. Bye."

Before Beth could say anything, Leonor was already making her way to the bar. Something inside Elizabeth awakened. She never saw a woman like Leonor before. That young lady seemed so unreal to her. Her beauty, the clear accent and her charming smile was enough to make Elizabeth insecure.

Dinner time has arrived and after a long day stuck in the room studying, Harmon took a long shower where she enjoyed the company of a book. The analyzed carefully the black dress in her body and when she finally felt pleased with her image, she went down, heading the restaurant.

"   Elizabeth Harmon!" 

Oh, that voice. Elizabeth missed that sound. Sophie Miller was standing right in front of her, with a big smile. The blonde girl ended up feeling attached to Elizabeth. Rather than her friends from California, Sophie could talk with Beth about subjects that she actually enjoyed. The biggest dream of Sophie's friends was finding a good and rich man and have tons of babies and that was sad, in Sophie's opinion.

"   Sophie! What are you doing here?" Sophie jumped in her arms, giving her a warm hug. Elizabeth felt shy since she wasn't used to that type of contact.

"   Well, my "husband" has a friend here and well you know, we are here as tour guides." Sophie laughed, making Beth smile. "You look gorgeous in that dress, Beth. Have you had dinner?"

"   Thank you, Shopie. You look beautiful too. And no, I haven't eaten yet. Wanna join?" Elizabeth grinned at her.

"   Well, if you insist." Sophie talked in playful tone, making Elizabeth roll her eyes with a little smile.

In restaurant, everything went great. Unlike Elizabeth, Sophie was really good at making conversation which made everything flow smoothly. The blonde girl talked about her new books and how eager she was to her future husband propose her. They were engaged for four months. Elizabeth listened carefully. She couldn't relate to anything that Sophie talked about and yet she was happy for her happiness.

"   You saw the new girl?" One of the most "girly" thing that Sophie liked to do was gossip and Elizabeth was the perfect person for that. She knew that Beth was a reliable person.

"   Who?" Beth fissured her cake.

"   Leonor, I guess." 

"   Oh yes! I already meet her in hallway, earlier." 

"   Really? Is she nice?"

"   I didn't spoke that much with her but she's fine, I guess. "  Elizabeth shrugged her shoulders. "  Why ?" 

"   And she's pretty?" 

"   Yes. You should see her. She looks like a supermodel." Elizabeth chuckled.

"   Who knew uh... " Sophie wonderer loud, making Beth confused.

"   What?" 

"    She's here with one of the players." 

"   Really? I mean, I'm not surprised at all. She's gorgeous."

"   And also, Watt's company. She looks older than him. He looks like a vampire, he never seems to age. " She joked.

Beth choked herself.

"   Benny's already here? Since when he has "company"?" Elizabeth couldn't control her face expressions, ending up showing the shock and disappointment in her voice.

"   Same, I was shocked too. We bump into each other when I was in reception.  Usually he tries to avoid this kind of situation, showing off his girls. On the other hand, it makes sense. Even with his young-cowboy look, he's already older enough to start a family, to get marry etc." 

A huge snowballformed by her insurance collided against Beth's heart. The feeling of losingsomeone that she never had, consumed her mind just like the picture of Leonor'sin Benny's arms. She was defeated.

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