𝟎𝟓. Orange and apple juice

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American Chess Congress, New York – Day 3

Today it's the final match and I'm having a mini nervous breakdown. Playing against a player that can beat me in my own world, makes me feel breathlessness. I was up late, studying his games, analyzing his techniques and tricks. Everything that I did was dedicated to this final match.

" Your match starts in ten minutes, ma'am."

" Thank you."

"Game Room 21 – Hamon vs Jones"

I felt butterflies in my stomach. Not that kind of butterflies. The nervous, anxious, and excited ones. Without any further ado, I pushed the handle, and my vision was hit with blurs induced by the cameras. I walked calmly to the chess table but inside, I was screaming.


" Beth Harmon closes the American Chess Congress with the first place. The Implacable White Queen showed us no mercy in this match. I never imagined how intense a chess match could be. Jones must feel proud for compete against the Chess World Champion." The emotion was evident in chess caster. Everyone could feel the passion and the intensity in his words.

After the conference, I decided to go for a drink. The game was harder. Thinking about it superficially, I couldn't find any mistakes, but it wasn't enough. Jones were impeccable in his moves and so solid with his decisions. He was undoubtedly an impress player. As soon as I got bar, I sat down waiting for someone to order. I was looking at the alcoholic beverage bottles, but now, my mind was in somewhere else. Benny. I didn't get a chance to walk around New York, hoping to see him. I also didn't find time to catch up with chess magazines, looking for his face in some page.

— What would you like, miss?

— Orange and apple juice, please. – I looked at the barman.

— Sure ma'am.

I hope he's doing ok with that girl. Maybe he's with her right now, enjoying his life and here I am, being good at chess but terrible with feelings, being pathetic. Having feelings is beautiful. I love what I feel for Jolene or for Townes. They make me feel happy, safe just like Sophie can do. When I had that silly crush, the maximum that I felt was my heart beating racing. But having feelings for Benny Watts was destructive in a good bay but too intensive for me.

– It will be two orange and apple juices, please.

I turned around and my body froze. The air in my lungs seemed non-existent just like the strength in my legs which also disappeared for milliseconds. I was bewildered with that human figure right in front of my eyes. That leather trench coat, the cowboy hat, and that funny mustache. I got up unconsciously without taking my eyes from him. Was he real? Maybe I'm dreaming.

— Benny?

— Beth.

☁  ☁  ☁  ☁


Sorry if i made you wait too much for Benny's appearance. I know this fanfic it's about them but i thought it was interesting to start by showing how Beth managed her feelings and the way that she deals with them. Through the story, some chapters will be more focused in Elizabeth since the fic's main plot will be around the way that she deals with her feelings. 

I hope you enjoyed and thank you again for keep reading. It means a lot to me.  ♡

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