𝟎𝟑. Welcome to New York

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2 Days before American Chess Congress, New York

" Do you need help carrying your bags, miss Harmon? "

" No, thank you. " I gave a slight smile.

Far as I know, the tournament will last 3 days: Friday and the weekend. After talking on the phone with Matt and Myke, I couldn't see anything else in front of me but chess, once again. A brief light was made in my head when the twins mentioned on the phone a man, named Frank Jones. He's been appearing in chess newspaper as a "Potential Threat to White's Queen Throne". I started following him since I knew about his victory in UACT (Universities around America Chess Tournament). I've been studying every player's game and even without saying out loud, Frank's matches stressed me out.

Being World Champion doesn't mean I can get cocky. Every year a new person appears, a new player rises from the bottom, a new player that can be a threat.

After settle in, I went down to the lobby, ready to fill the rest of paperwork. Looking from the window, the weather was cloudy. People walking from a sidewalk to the other with their jackets and hats, looking for a shelter where they could protect themselves. I always enjoyed cloudy and windy days, for some reason, they always made me feel more lively.

" Next."

"Good afternoon. " I muttered, picking up the blue pen.

" Elizabeth Harmon! What a pleasure to see you. " The old-good-looking man smiled. " What an irony of destiny, two old rivals playing against each other again."

" Sorry? " I glanced to the man, showing how confused I was.

" Mister Borgov it's the special guest of this edition. " He pointed his finger behind me. Turning around, I could see Borgov's face in a A2 poster announcing his presence. " It will be a remarkable game."

" I bet it will. " After giving a tight-lipped smile, I set down the pen in desk.

Since when exists this "special guest" thing? I rolled my eyes and started to mumble, cursing myself for joining to this tournament. After his loss, Borgov managed in some way to get better. For three months in row his head was on front page of every European chess magazine, praising how strong it was his come back and the way he slaughtered the Europeans enemies with an average of 21 moves.

I had a plan: I planned my lunch at 1 P.M, visit the city and bumping into Benny "accidentally" until 6 A.M and then spend the rest of the day studying the opponents, analyze my chess game and get some sleep around 2 A.M. But now? Until the tournament starts, I will be stuck in my room, analyzing every Borgov's game since last week which gives a several matches and review all my opponent's weakness and strengths.

American Chess Congress, New York – Day 1

" Harmon guarantee the win against Mrs. Clinton, moving on to the third-finals. " The commentator's voice echoes from all the room, filling the space with the shrill applauses from the crowd.

After getting out from the game room, my feet automatically made their way to the placard, facing my next opponent.


I'm nervous.

More than nervous, I'm extremely anxious about the game. But even in the middle of this overwhelming sensations, I could feel inside me. I was feeling that kind of hungry. My hunger to win against an admirable opponent like Borgov, again.

" Miss Harmon, you have a Chess Magazine's interview waiting for you in living room 2."

" Ok, thank you. "

I walked calmy through the hall until the room two. As I opened the door, my eyes stopped in that familiar and lovely male figure.

" Townes! " Before he could turn around, I jumped in his arms, giving him a tight hug. I missed him so much. His arms, his smell, his laugh, everything.

" Harmon. " He smiled, caressing with his soft hand my cheek. " How are you? I tried to reach you, but you changed your number."

" I am so sorry. After winning the championship, I started to receive some disturbing calls. But how are you? Tell me first. "  I grin, looking at his beautiful facial features. " How's Roger?" I winked at him, making him giggle.

" Well, I'm good. I started to date Roger after arriving from Russia and the rest, well you know, nothing much. " He smiled. " What about you, Harmon?"

" Oh, you know... "  I forced a smile.  "Chess, chess, chess. Did I already say chess?"

He narrowed his eyes. " Yes, but you didn't say Benny."

I couldn't help but cough after hearing Townes saying that name. He caught me off guard. I really don't like when people mention that name. When I hear it, my heart starts to bleed with guilt and self-disappointment.

" There's nothing to say. "  I mumbled, starting to play with my hair. Townes gazed at me with that judgey and disapproval look.  " Don't do that."

" I'm just confused. In Russia you were always saying how much you missed h-"

" That's right, in Russia. "  I interrupted, emphasizing the last word.  "We are not in Russia anymore."  I looked away, focusing my eyes on random painting.

"Harmon... "  Townes called me softly.  " It's ok to miss someone. It means that you're not a chess machine at all. "  He giggled while grabbing my hands.  " You shouldn't keep it to yourself your emotions. You already fill your mind with master chess techniques."

I smiled at him. Beingalone in these moments isn't the right thing to do. Having Townes here, makeseverything better. 

☁   ☁   ☁

Benny is everywhere eheheh please be patient, he will show up very soon ♡ 

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