𝟐𝟑. Girl's mind

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  𝙼𝚊𝚢𝚋𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚊 𝚜𝚒𝚐𝚗

𝙼𝚊𝚢𝚋𝚎 𝙸'𝚟𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢,  𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚢 𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚖𝚎 

12nd November – 10 days until US Championship

Everything was blurred for Beth. She trapped herself in a monotonous routine: wake up at 8 A.M, eat, chess, rest, eat, chess, shower, chess, eat and sleep. She and Benny barely talked with each other since he arrived in New York. He spent a few days in a public school, giving a few chess lessons as favor for one of his friends and when he got home, he was always very tired, and Beth didn't want to disturb him so she stopped calling him after the third day. The feeling of being a burden to someone was consuming her and she couldn't let that feelings mess with her. Tomorrow she will be flying to Ohio, hoping to enjoy the beautiful views and maybe some spa sessions just like Alma used to love to do.

" Hello? " Her phone ringed and a glimmer of hope hited her voice.

" Beth! Oh so nice to hear your voice."

" Sophie. " Elizabeth smiled, leaning against the wall. " How are you?"

" I'm fine, and you? Have you been working a lot?"

" As usual. " Beth giggled. "And you?"

" That's why I called you, I have some news!"

" Tell me then."

" So, I got promoted and I'll be transferred to New York! " Sophie was ecstatic and automatically an open wide smile blossomed at Beth's lips. " Do you remember when I mentioned that fancy restaurant? Four Taste Seasons?"

" Of course I do Sophie. " Beth smiled. "No way, you didn't-"

" Yes I did baby, you're officially talking with Four Seasons' chief."

Beth and Sophie spent the night talking about their lives. Beth listened more than talked and she didn't mind at all. Having someone like Sophie to distract her from her overwhelming thoughts was the best thing she could ask. After three hours talking, Sophie turned off and Beth made her way straight to the bed.

13 rd November – 9 days until US Championship

The day was rainy, and Beth loved that. Being hugged by Ohio with such lovely weather, made her feel happy. The morning went smoothly: she made the check-in, unpacked her stuff, took a bubble bath and ended the first part of the day with s nice lunch. Elizabeth didn't want to return to her room so instead she went to a little tour through the hotel. This hotel was quite different from the others in terms of architecture and furniture which made her feel entertained by exploring every corner.

" Oh, you're Elizabeth, right?"

She turned her head and tried to suppress her thoughts. Why was Leonor here? Beth gave her a little smile, stepping calmly to her.

" Hello, Leonor."

" Why are you here? " She giggled. "The tournament it's only in nine days."

" I usually travel with some anticipation to avoid too many people. " She shrugged her shoulders. "You live in Ohio?"

" Nah, I'm here just for courtesy. Benny invited me to come with him but once again, I'm not allowed to stay in his room so I'm leaving in two days. Benny doesn't want any company in big competitions like this one."

Beth was speechless. She couldn't believe in what she heard. After one week spent together, every moment shared with him, she never considered an option Benny inviting a girl to stay with him, alone. She really believed when he said that he had nothing with Leonor. Harmon felt stupid for trusting in someone so blindly.

" Beth, chill. "Leonor laughed. "I'm literally here as Benny's friend. I was going to stay in his room because this place is too expansive."

" What? I-"

" Benny was right, you're pretty bad at lying. " Leonor rolled her eyes. "But he's dumber than you apparently."

" I'm sorry, excuse me. What are you trying to say? " Beth raised her eyebrow.

" I'm saying that only in one minute I could see in your face that you like him. " Leonor took a step closer to Beth, staring at her eyes. " Obviously I'm not happy at all but he warned me that was hard for him to like someone. But with you he seemed to show at least some emotions. Don't screw up everything again, please."

Beth's throat dried completly. Was Leonor drunk? Her words didn't make any sense in Harmon's mind. What was she doing, saying those ridiculous and senseless things? And how close they were to Benny talk about their past?

" What?"

" I knew from the begging who you were. When I bumped at you, was on purpose to see what kind of girl you were."

Her eyes narrowed automatically. She was bewildered with Leonor's confession. In Beth's mind she was living in some teen drama movie. Leonor seemed to be a little bit older than Beth which made her suppose that Leonor would be more mature than that. Even with the lack of ability to understand some subjects, she could conclude that the brunnete girl was jealous.

" Why am I feeling offended with this conversation?"

" You shouldn't. " She shrugged her shoulders, taking a step back. "He was right about you."

" Could you please say something coherent? I'm not understanding you at all Leonor. He was right about what?"

" When he talked about you."

" What did he say?"

" Why don't you figure it out by yourself? It's already harsh for me to lose the only interesting chess player for you. " She rolled her eyes, leaving Beth alone. " You're not a looser at all."

Elizabeth was more than confused. She was trying to process what happened in only teen minutes. There were too many questions in her mind, and she couldn't find any answers. The happiness blossomed in her heart, but the uncertainty travelled in her body. Why is it everything so complicated? Why couldn't she control everything around her just like in chess? Having a life outside the 64 squares were a challenge that she was trying to win.


Hello guys, how are you? I didn't plan to update today bc it's eve christmas but idk, I was rewatching Queen's Gambit and I couldn't resist eheheh

So, at this point I dare to say that the story it's 75% complete. It's been a long journey and I'm grateful once again for having you as my readers. Thank you so much for voting, commenting and reading my story. This might sound corny but having notifications from you mades me really happy, thank you for this beautiful gift ❤️

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