𝟏𝟐. Buddha Greeting

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25th October – 1 day until US Open Championship – PART 2

Beth looked gorgeous. As she and Sophie walked into the mini party, they were targets of compliments from the others guests and for Beth's surprise, Frank Jones was one of them. He stepped in their way calmly and smilled, praising "the marvelous appearance" of the two young ladies. 

" So, who's the guy uh? " Sophie whispered in Beth's ear, making her smile. " I can clearly see that isn't Frank by the face that you did when he left us. Although, he's an amazing man."

" He's not really my type. " I winked.

" Guess I'll need to find out who's your type then. "  Sophie laughed. " But first, I will grab some sausages. Be right back."

" Alright."

As Sophie went to the food table and Beth stayed in her place, analyzing the guests discreetly. Watts was talking with other chess players about their chess' ancestors and their hopes for the next teen years. Secretly, his mind was busy with someone else which after minutes travelling around the establishment, he could finally find the person that he wanted: Elizabeth Harmon. Politely, he said good-bye to the gentlemen and made his way to her.

 "You look different today."

It was their first time seeing each other after the discussion. Beth was nervous and hesitant due to her inexperience to express her feelings and thoughts. But she was certain about something: she was decided about following Sophie's advice.

" Look, sorry for that night. I know, it was childish of me saying those stupid things. You have your own life and I have mine and as mature adults, I had no right to point you out those things while we are nothing to each other. So please, can we be friends? " Elizabeth tried to stay calm until the last word. She was aware of how reddish her cheeks were and yet she managed to show her peaceful face expression. With subtle smile, Beth raised her hand in Benny's direction, staring at his eyes.

She was expectating something from him, once again. Anger, happiness, anything. Instead, Benny remained neutral, becoming indecipherable to Beth.

" Friends it is Harmon. " He finally answered, squeezing her hand softly.

As she looked on his eyes, more sober she felt. She knew that it was almost impossible for her to be his friend. That words probably would be her biggest regret in the future, she thought.

" Is that some buddha greeting? You guys are shaking hands for an eternity by now." Sophie appeared, startling them.

" Jesus, Sophie." Beth mumbled, releasing Benny's hand. " By the way, Benny this is Sophie Millers and Sophie this is Be-"

" I know who he is. " Sophie giggled, shaking his hand briefly." Nice to meet you. My fiance admires you."

" Thank you." He nodded his head, redirecting his eyes to Beth. " So, I should probably go. Leonor is waiting for me."

" Oh, sure. Have a nice day and good luck for tomorrow. " Beth winked, trying to give her best smile.

" You'll need Harmon."

Benny gave her a tight-lipped smile before starting to walk calmly to the exit.

"Oh, shut up. " Sophie grinned, now finally looking at her astonished. " No way. It's Benny Watts the guy? " Her mouth was fully open. " Oh god Beth, I already like the idea. The King and the Queen. " Her speak tone was dreamy, teasing in Elizabeth's a short laugh.

"Is that obvious?"

" Now that I saw with my own eyes, even a blind man can see. "She smiled." You're so cute when you're in love Beth."  Sophie squeezed Beth's cheek.

" Oh god, Sophie stop. It was so stupid."

" What?"

"Our talk."

"What did you guys talk about?"

" Well, I apologized for my childishness and asked him to be only friends."

" Oh that's very mature Elizabeth! Good job."

" You don't understand, don't you?"

" Understand what?"

" That I actually putted myself in friendzone. "

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