𝟏𝟔. Tangled

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28th October – US Open Championship – Day 3

The path was made in permanently silence. Elizabeth crossed her arms in front of her chest and her eyes didn't leave the floor. She cried after seeing Leonor leaving the hotel this morning. Why did she cry? She knew that seeing Leonor with him could destroy her heart in million pieces, but she never expected to cry. Even without looking at him, Beth knew how confused Benny was with her silence.

" I'm your friend, you know. I'm here to hear you when you need. " Benny shrugged. " You look pretty sad for someone that won against me. Wasn't I a good opponent, Elizabeth Harmon? " He teased her, doing an offended expression.

An inevitable smile grew up in her lips. How could he be so good at making her smile even when she didn't want to? Once she faced him, she realized that he was smiling at her too. Benny was always so nice with her even when she felt unworthy of his friendship, Benny never left her. It wasn't his fault that she couldn't control her emotions. She couldn't blame him for something that he doesn't knows.

" Why are you so good with me?"

" That's a weird question." He chuckled. "Do you want me to push you against the wall? "Beth's cheeks got red, making him chuckle.

" I mean, why did you forgive me?"

" I don't know. I'm still holding some grudges, but I still care about you."

" Are you? " She raised her eyebrow, and the concern was transparently in her voice.

He didn't answer. Instead, He opened a door, giving them access to the outside. It was a small terrace but there they could feel the cool breeze surrendering his bodies as their eyes were gifted with an amazing view. They could see some lights from the buildings, the lamps spread over the city and the sky was clear, showing their tiny-shiny stars.

" Something is wrong with me. " Elizabeth finally mumbled, looking at the sky as her back rested against the wall.

" What do you mean? " He leaned against the fence.

" I can't feel that happiness for wining this tournament.

" I mean, maybe after earning the World Championship's title, this may mean nothing to you. I came here to win obviously but losing this one didn't make me sad or something. I already attended in so many important tournaments with more name than this one which " He shrugged his shoulders.

" Maybe. " Elizabeth sighted.

The atmosphere was calm . Both of them were in silence, enjoying the night sky from the second floor.

" You know, after you left New York I realized something. " Benny broke the silence. He rested his elbows, focusing his eyes on the lights.

" What?"

" There's a challenge."

" Ok... keep going."

" There's a challenge, harder than chess."

" Which is..."

" Emotions. " He finally gazed at her, seeing the surprise in her face.

" I didn't know you had trouble with your emotions."

" I didn't either. After your victory in Russia, I was upset. Not because you won, obviously. "He laughed. "I was mad at me due to my naivety. I thought you would come back to New York and that never happened and the feeling of disappointment, crushed me for some weeks. I played tons of chess and even when I won, I wasn't able to enjoy the feeling."

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