𝟏𝟕. Untie

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29th  October

Beth and Benny woke up and none of them tried to hide their good humor. Sleeping in Benny's arms was the most delightful experience of this trip. The day started with breakfast in room where both of them fought for the last slice of bread. During the same, Benny challenged Elizabeth a chess game which she didn't refused. Everything was perfect for Beth unless her doubts about their relation, what they were going to do after this. She really wanted to know yet the same time, the morning was being so enjoyable that she didn't have the courage to ruin everything.

" Benny?"

" Beth. " He smiled while organizing the chess table.

" When are you coming back to New York?"

" That's a good question. I guess in two days. " He giggled. " Why?"

" I don't know, I was just curious. " She shrugged her shoulders, smiling at him.

" Alright ma'am, let's start?"

Beth was worried. She was insecure about him staying alone in Las Vegas for two days. Her first thought was Leonor. Although he said that his "relationship" with her was over, she was afraid. Leonor was a gorgeous woman and Benny was a gorgeous man. They were perfect for each other.

" Hey, let's get dressed."

" Now? " Beth raised her eyebrow. " We ate like two hours ago. " She laughed.

" I know silly. " He rolled his eyes. " We're going to visit some places in Las Vegas."

" I thought you didn't know Las Vegas. "  She grinned while her eyes narrowed.

" And I don't. " He laughs. " Let's walk and know the places."

" Alright, master."

" I forgot the hygiene stuffs in my room so I will take a shower and get dressed."

" Alright then. Let's met at the entrance?"

" Deal miss Harmon. " He smiled.

She expected a kiss but all he did was turn around, pick his clothes and left the room after a small smile. She was confused about everything, she was afraid and her lack of skill to express herself wasn't helping. During her quick shower, she tried not to think about it. After wearing her plain navy-blue circle skirt and a white blouse, she poured some of her perfume in her neck and wrists. She used three minutes to finish packing the stuffs and closed her travel bag, putting her near to the mirror.

Arriving the entrance, she saw Benny already outside enjoying the view. Under the blueish sky, watching from the Hotel's interior Elizabeth could imagine that moment as a painting where Benny was the most beautiful component. Quietly, she passes the door and stand quietly next to him.

" Hey you. " Benny smiled, glancing at her.

" Should we go? "

Spending hours with Benny gave her the most colorful emotions that she ever imagined. He painted her soul with drips of blue and red. With him, she could feel the greatest peace in her soul.

" I'm starving. " Benny muttered.

" Then let's go. The chicken burger is waiting for us. "

The lunch was quiet and tasty. Beth couldn't stop grinning by watching Benny's eating his burger with so much satisfaction. After the break, they made their way to the hotel which made Beth's brain think again. The time is getting sparse and the questions keep flowing in her mind. As soon as they arrived at the hotel, they went to that little "secret" terrace.

" You should stop using dark colors when you know that's hot outside. " Beth grumbled after hearing Benny complaining about the weather.

" I'm sorry mom but black is everything. " He giggled, leaning against the fence. "So, how much time is left until your flight?"

" Twenty minutes, I guess. " She looked at the floor.

" Are you sad? Did you like Las Vegas? "

Benny was right. He was pretty bad with feelings. How could he not realize that the motive of Beth's sadness?

" Las Vegas it's beautiful indeed. – She smiled, looking at him."

" Hey Beth."

" Yes Benny?"

" It was nice to reattach our friendship, don't you think?"

" Oh... " Elizabeth's mouth was slightly open as her eyebrows were raised. Did he say friendship? Does he make out with his friends? " Y-yes."

" I missed you. "He mumbled while walking close to her. "Like a lot. " Benny smiled, stroking her reddish cheeks with his thumbs.

" Benny... " Elizabeth muttered. "Are you going to visit Leonor?"

" What?"

" Are you going to meet Leonor after I'm gone? "

Her hazel eyes stared his brown eyes, looking for something. For an answer that could calm her nervous and insecurities. He was deadpan, making her more anxious.

" No Beth, I'm not. "He rolled his eyes and laughed after that. "What's wrong with you little girl?"

" Benny, I need to tell you something. " Her expression was serious, making him confused. "I think I-"

" Sorry, ma'am and sir, this place it's forbidden to the hosts. " A young male invaded the space, making Beth and Benny jumped. "Sorry for scaring you."

Beth felt the unluckiest girl. When she had the stomach to say her feelings, she was interrupted. Now she was at the entrance, waiting for the driver to pick her up and take her to the airport. Benny was by her side, looking at the view.

" I was wondering... if you want, we can keep in touch until Ohio. " Benny suggested, without taking his eyes from the trees.

" Oh yes, sure. " She smirked. From afar, she was able to see a car silhouette getting nitid. "I guess it's my ride. " Her laugh was sad and fake. She had so much fun with Benny and now, she was leaving. Her body was leaving the place but her mind wasn't able to let him go like that.

" Well, I guess it is. "

The driver walked out, offering Beth's help to put her bags. Before letting her answer, Benny grabbed her baggage and putted them in the truck. She smiled with his action, making her feel sadder than before.

" Please be safe. Call to the hotel when you arrive, ok? " He looked at her.

" Thank you for everything, Benny. "

She knew that Benny wasn't a person who liked to show affection in public. But she didn't care. Beth wrapped his waist with her arms, squeezing softly. He chuckled, kissing the top of her head.

" See you soon, naughty Beth." He whispered in her ear, making her skin shave. She rolled her eyes and before letting him go, she stared at Benny Watts for the last time.

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