𝟎𝟖. Good Timming

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10th October – 16 days until US Open Championship

It was around 2 A.M and Elizabeth finally finished her tasks. She was mentally exhausted. The truth is, she barely saw the sun for two weeks straight. She only went out to buy some decent food and clothes. Otherwise, she stayed locked in her bedroom, practicing.

She was leaning against a wall, looking fixedly to her phone. It was kinda late already. She couldn't bring herself to call him. Not yet. The frustration took over her nerves. It was easy. Easier than chess. All she had to do was digit his number and speak. She had nothing to lose.

Would she regret it? Maybe. But life is too short, right?

And right there, consumed by the inspiration and boldness, she felt brave enough to call him. She was also nervous as hell which was pointless.

Benny was driving himself crazy. He was solving a puzzle since lunchtime and the things went wrong for him. Firstly, his friends appeared when he was finishing it. Consequently, he had to disassemble it so they could use his kitchen's table. Benny was about dozing off on the table before the noise from the phone spread through his house. After a long yawn, he picked up.

"Hello?" Benny answered.

After hearing his sleepy voice, Beth regretted it. She probably woke him up. " I'm sorry... did I wake you up?"  She rubbed her hand in the back of her neck.

" Beth? "  His mouth opened slightly as his heart raced. He didn't expected her call.  "No, no you didn't. "

" Oh, great."

The silence between both was uncomfortable. Benny was confused and he was trying to understand the reason behind that phone call while Elizabeth was agitated, thinking about what she could say to break the ice.

" Is everything ok?"  Elizabeth cursed herself. How could she be so bad at making conversation?

"Yes, yes. I'm okay. And you?"

"I'm fine too. So, what are you doing?"

" Uh, solving a puzzle."

"Really? Since when you like puzzles?"  Beth chuckled. 

"That's a good question to which I do not have the answer."  Even not being able to see, Beth could imagine a little smile growing in Benny's lips.  "Why did you call? Something's wrong, Beth?"

"Uh... "  She cleared her throat, before speaking."  Everything is fine, really Benny. I just... "  She looked at ceiling, thinking in her next words.  "I just wanted to know if you are ok."

Slowly, a broad grin grown in his lips. He knew how hard for Elizabeth was to call. He was aware of her pride because she was like him.

" I'm fine, thank you."  He tried to reply in a neutral ton. He refused to show her any weakness or emotion. It's not like she could come back to his life like nothing happened, like she didn't pretend that he didn't existed.

" Oh, fine then. Glad to know. So, I should probably go. "

" Yes, you should sleep."

" Goodnight, Benny."

"Have nice dreams, Beth." He hung up.

Beth got nervous. Benny Watts was too complicated for her. She didn't know how to feel: Did she disturbed him? Was he happy? What was he thinking about her right now? 

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