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27th October – US Open Championship – Day 2


Placard – US Open Championship

Rodriguez x Jones

Lasker x Gilmore

Harmon x Evans

Watts x  Larsen

"   Elizabeth Harmon? " A deep voice called her name, making her skin crawl away.

"  Yes? " As she turned, she sees Frank Jones smiling at her.

"Would you like to join me in glass of wine to celebrate our victory?"

When she intended to decline, behind Frank's shoulder she had a brief perception of Benny and Leonor together in front of his room door. She got jealous. Seeing Leonor looking at Benny's lips while playing with her handsome hair made Beth uncomfortable.

"  Sure, I would love to have your company, Frank. " Elizabeth talked slightly louder hoping to catch Benny's attention.

"   Shall we?" He smiled, giving her space to walk in front of him.

The walk to the bar was quite calm. She barely talked just like him. She could not stop thinking about Benny with Leonor. Why do they have to look so perfect each other? She cursed herself for accepting Frank's toast. She wanted her comfortable bed, her pajama covering her skin. She wanted to disappear.

"  So Elizabeth, did you have any job before starting in chess?"

"  Actually no. " She tried to smile. " And you?"

"   What would be, miss and mister? " A bartender interrupted their conversation.

"  Two glasses of your best wine please. " He smiled gently. The bartender nodded, leaving the area for briefing seconds, arriving with two glasses of red wine.

"   Thank you. " Beth smiled.

She looked at wine carefully. This was her first time drinking after months without touching in any alcohol.

"   So, what were you saying? Do you work besides playing chess?"

"  Oh yea. " He giggled. " Yes I do. In college I worked in a convenience store to pay my fees until I started playing chess with prize reward. Nowadays I run a library in California. " Instantly, Sophie crossed Beth's mind, making her grin.

"   Oh, that's very admirable. " Elizabeth smiled. " So I suppose you like books."

"   A lot. " He laughed. " It was one of the most important resources in my chess journey."

"   I believe. I rode every book about chess that I can remember. " Elizabeth smiled, wetting her lips with the wine. " It's very tasty."

"   It's very good indeed. So Beth... I need to discuss something with you."

"   With me? " She raised her eyebrow while she swallows the wine.

"   Yes. I've noticed how close you and miss Sophie are."

"   She's a unique woman."

"  She is indeed. " He gazed at the liquid. "Is she already got married?"

"   Far as I know they are only engaged."

"   I'm interested in her."

Beth almost coughed up the wine. How bold he was to ask her for help?

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