𝟏𝟎. Stars as witnesses

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Hi, i just wanna say thank you for your support 🥺 it means a lot to me when i see how many people are reading my story, i can't describe how happy and thankful i am ❤️ and a special hug for the people who puts a star in every chapter ☺️ let's marry

anyways, i hope you like this one 😻

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21st October – 5 days until US Open Championship

In the next day, the dullness took over Beth's body. Bed, chess table and tea were their best friend until the sun went done and the night ascended, painting the dark sky with white drips. Beth's took a shower, enjoying the silence. She dressed a cherry red skirt and a navy-blue blouse. 

Walking down the stairs, she greeted some strangers with her head. Arriving earlier gave her an opportunity to see new faces and even without knowing why, she felt good.

She didn't feel like entering again in restaurant and eat some fancy food. Instead, she left the hotel and called a taxi. Since her knowledge about Las Vegas was almost null, she asked to cab driver to drop her in the closest fast-food restaurant.

Alma's must be scolding in the heaven right now, Beth's thought, making a little smile bloom in her red lips.

As she walks into the restaurant, a crowd of people cluster together around her, asking for an autograph. Beth grinned at them and tried to sign many papers as possible. In Kentucky everything was always peaceful, and she couldn't complain at all. But here, she felt beloved and that feeling will always warm her heart.

Several minutes later, she was able to seat. Her stomach roared like a lion. She was starving. The only thing in her stomach was some butter cookies and tons of mint tea. Hurriedly, her hands grabbed the menu and the hazel eyes traveled around the pages.

"  If I were you, I would order the Chicken burger."

Her eyes strayed the direction to Benny's face. He was wearing his trench black coat and the usual black sweater and jeans. Beth's cheeks turned red instantly and her mouth was slightly open. How can this be possible? 

"   Benny. " Beth mumbled.

"    Hello, Beth. " He nodded his head, taking off his hat. "  Didn't expect to see a chess world champion eating in places like this."

"    Being a champion doesn't make me less human than you. "  She smiled. "  Would you like to join?

Benny's eyes stared Elizabeth's face. His mouth was carrying a little smile. Immediately, he sat in front of redhead woman without breaking their eye contact.

"    Good evening. What'll be?"

"   One chicken burger please. "  Elizabeth teased Benny, taking from him a subtle wink.

"    Two. "  Benny added.

"    Alright. Drinks?"

"   Two colas. " Beth answered.

After seeing waiter leaving, Benny rested his elbows on the table and the chin on his hands.  

"    Tell me, Harmon. When did you arrive?" 

"    Yesterday. And you?" 

"    One week."

"   So early. – Her eyebrow raised."

"    I'm with a friend."

"   Oh. I see."

"A friend". Elizabeth rolled her eyes with her thought. Is that a modern definition for a "girlfriend called Leonor"?

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