twenty: gossip

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Kai's POV

After skidding ungracefully all the way to the end of Andie's street, and barely managing to stay upright, I quickly decided to ditch the icy sidewalk and use my new cell phone to call a cab.

I had scribbled the number of a company down on a small scrap of paper earlier on, knowing I'd be tempted to catch a lift back to the hotel.

Following the instructions Andie had provided me, I keyed in my passcode, then opened the little green app that let me make calls.

I tapped the digits into the keypad with my fingertips that had gone almost completely numb from the frosty conditions. Then after checking the number was correct, I dialled.

After a few rings, my call was finally answered, and a man with a gruff voice grumbled through the phone.

"Falls Cabs. This is Frank."

"Hi, can I get a cab to uh -" I began, before realising I had no idea where I actually was.

I had just remembered how to get here from our visit the other week.

After a quick glance around, my eyes finally latched on a sign that read 'Maple Street'.

"Come on buddy, I don't got all day." 'Frank' groaned through the phone.

"To Maple Street." I answered through gritted teeth, my fingers tightly gripping my cell phone to stem the easily agitated rage that threatened to bubble over.

Frank should thank god he was behind a phone right now.

"It'll be five minutes." He confirmed, before the call abruptly cut off.

God, would it have hurt them to provide at least some customer service.

Shifting my weight backwards and forwards on the balls of my feet, I waited on the street corner for the cab.

After eighteen years of summer, the blustery breeze of December stung like a bitch. So, in an effort to restore some of the sensation back to my fingers, I blew hot breaths into my palms, and began vigorously rubbing them together.

With the cold still invading my body in an unpleasant way, I tried to distract myself. You know, move my mind to other matters. And of course there was only one thing I could think about.


I really should not have gone to see her. I mean, I was the one who decided that I couldn't continue things with us to protect her.

Not that she knew that.

But it was just so hard to stay away.

Last night after I left, I had barely been away from her for an hour and I was itching to run back to her.

I didn't know, or understand what Andie was to me, but I knew I liked being around her. In fact, I think she was the first person whose company I've ever actually enjoyed. Craved, even.

She was like an addiction. And even as I scolded myself for indulging my need for her, I was already thirsting for my next hit.

But I couldn't help it.

She was just too good.

Well, that was the problem really. She was too good. Far too good for me. And I couldn't let her life be ruined, just because I was selfish.

And now I had absolutely no excuse to see her. My cell phone was set up, and if I really needed anything else, I had her number.

So, I'd have to stay away now.

Tempted | Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now