twenty three: invitation

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tw: Explicit sexual scenes in this chapter. If this may be triggering to you, or simply just isn't for you, please skip ahead.

"Okay, everyone." Caroline chirped. "Tonight, as you all know, is New Year's Eve."

Unenthusiastic mumbles echoed around the Salvatore's living room as we all sat and listened to the blonde's preppy speech.

"We have exactly eight hours to get this place ready for the party, and to get ourselves ready, okay?" She instructed. "Is everyone clear on their tasks?"

Tyler, Matt, Damon, Stefan, Elena, and Bonnie all groaned 'yes' in unison, as my brows knit.

"You didn't give me anything to do, Caroline." I informed with confusion - it wasn't like Caroline to forget something.

"What?" Damon grumbled. "I'm running about after you all day while Andie kicks her feet up?"

The blonde slowly craned her neck to glare at the complaining vampire with a stern expression. "Andie isn't doing anything because this party is for her too." Caroline scolded. "It's like a welcome home party and a New Year's party."

I shot Damon a smug look as he glowered at me from across the room.

"I didn't get a welcome home party." Damon muttered under his breath.

"That's because no one was thrilled to see you back." Caroline teased, causing Damon to roll his eyes.

"Anyway." She pushed on. "Let me just check with everyone, Matt and Tyler, you guys are going to get kegs?"

"Yup." The boys both nodded.

"Elena and Bonnie, you are in charge of balloons and music."

"We are." Elena agreed.

"Damon and Stefan, cups, ice, and mixers."

"Correct." Stefan nodded.

"And what exactly are you doing, blondie?" Damon snarled. "Other than being a pain in my ass."

"I am organising everything and making sure the whole operation runs smoothly." She retorted with a wry smile.

"Whatever you say." Damon scoffed.

"Okay, if that's the end of the complaints, then you can all be on your way." She smiled. "Except you, Andie."

Damon stood from his chair with a snicker. "I wonder who Caroline's star pupil is." He snarked.

Caroline and I both shot the vampire a cold look as he disappeared from the room with a smug grin and a small wave. Then the room slowly thinned until Caroline and I were the only two left, and she settled beside me on the sofa.

"What's up, Care?" I asked.

"I just wanted to see why you didn't end up inviting Kai." She inquired.

My brows pulled together as I eyed the blonde, who somehow always knew everything.

"How do you know I didn't invite him?"

"Because I bumped into him this morning in town." She explained. "And when I asked him what his plans were, he said he was spending it alone in his hotel room."

My throat tightened as I thought of Kai bringing in his first new year in eighteen years alone. For the first time in forever he was about to experience the year shift, and he wasn't going to be trapped in solitude.

As my heart began to feel heavy in my chest, I realised I couldn't let him do this by himself. For once in his life, I wanted him to be surrounded by at least one person who cared about him when the clock ticked onto a new year.

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