eighty: astronomy

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After Kai had finished his speech, he gave each of his council members the chance to say a few words.

That went on for perhaps another thirty minutes, then we'd all been shifted back out into the gardens so that they could prepare the hall for the rest of the night and get rid of the rows of chairs. Seemed like they might not have bothered getting them out in the first place, but whatever. I was well and truly in need of some fresh air by the time the whole thing was over with anyway.

The sun was settling down in a red glow at the bottom of the sky by that point, and if you looked up you could see washes of different shades of navy blue, taking over the sky. It would be dark shortly, but by that time the hall would be ready again.

Townes, Tommy, and Phoebe, who had all been surrounding me since we'd come back outside had tried to explain what the rest of the night would be like. They said there would be some food, and some dancing, and probably a lot of talking. Thankfully they'd also assured there would be champagne on hand at all times. God knows I was going to need it.

Kai still hadn't come back out yet, and I'd imagined he was probably talking to his council. Maybe about me, I thought with a shudder, considering the bomb he dropped during his speech.

After he'd announced to the coven that I was his girlfriend, the number of eyes which were leering at me grew at least tenfold. Although, some of them now seemed more respectful in a way. Like they viewed me with some sort of importance now. Only because they had no idea that I wasn't a witch, I thought bitterly. If they knew that, then I'd be back to being as worthless as the muck on the bottom of their shoes.

"So, what did you think of the speech then, Andie?" Phoebe probed, her and the boys crowding around me so that we formed a tight circle. I did get the slightest impression they were almost shielding me. "Announcing you to the coven like that, it's a massive gesture."

I shrugged slightly, completely unsure of my own thoughts frankly. "It was alright."

"I thought you'd like it." She frowned. "Shows how much he cares about you."

I had to bite my tongue so that I didn't scoff. What would've showed he cared about me would be not totally forgetting about my existence ten minutes prior. If he really cared that deeply, would he not have been the one walking me to my seat and holding my hand, comforting me while his coven essentially slut-shamed me behind my back? It was hard not to feel like his 'thank you' to me, was really him trying to atone for his earlier ineptitude.

"I just didn't like them all staring." I explained. Not a total lie, but definitely not the whole truth. "I feel like I'm some sort of specimen under a microscope."

"I think they're just curious." Tommy offered kindly. "They probably just want to meet you."

"Still fucking rude, though." Townes sneered, grinding his teeth so his jaw locked a little tighter. It was the first time I'd heard a hint of anger in his voice. The first time he'd looked as intimidating as he did when I first saw him. "She's a person not an exhibit."

Phoebe stared at her younger brother with a stern expression, which on her happy features almost didn't look right. Reminded me of the look my father used to have when he'd tell me off. Didn't suit him, and it didn't suit her either.

"Language, Townes." She scolded quietly.

He groaned with a roll of his eyes, still looking suitably annoyed as he adverted his gaze into the distance. I couldn't help but be thankful I wasn't the only one who felt this way. I didn't expect anyone else to really understand how I was feeling. I mean, they hadn't known about the incident with Victoria. They didn't notice that Kai didn't bother looking for me before the speech. They hadn't heard the foul things the coven had said about me. I understood why they couldn't understand. But somehow, Townes did. Maybe he had picked up on more than I'd given him credit for.

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