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A sigh broke through my lips as I fiddled relentlessly with my hair, trying to neatly arrange the bangs which I'd recently cut and still wasn't totally used to.

Though I still had to admit, I really liked them. They were a change, and I'd come to realise that change could be a great thing.

The first semester of college had been great. My classes were interesting and filled all the parts of my day in which I used to wonder what exactly I was doing with my life. I'd gotten great marks in first semester, and so far, second semester things were going just as well. Caroline and I even shared some classes, which meant she always made sure I was staying on track. I was pretty sure she was making progress reports based on my work - but she'd never actually admitted it.

Though, I'd found myself hiding a giggle once or twice as she quoted me statistics based on my own productivity. I'm three per-cent more productive right now than this time last month, apparently.

The apartment was great too. It wasn't too big, so I never felt lonely in it. And besides, it was in the same building as Caroline's apartment, so I always had her near - which she used to her great advantage every time she needed to get a hold of me for gossip, or party planning, or whatever other reason.

Stefan was there most of the time too, which was nice - and Elena and Bonnie weren't far away. Even Amy was pretty close, though this being her last year of college she didn't have quite as much free time. And on top of that, I'd met so many amazing new friends. Everyone seemed to be so nice here.

The final and most important aspect of my life as it was now - was Kai.

Six months ago, I'd told him that what we had wasn't over, and that had set of the most vital conversation of our entire relationship. Every feeling, every fear - everything - was put out in the open. The conversation was long, and tiring, but still strangely freeing. It felt like for the first time in months, I was being totally honest with not only him - but with myself.

The conversation went on for hours. So long, in fact, that we still weren't finished by the time I was supposed to be leaving for college. So, in the end - he came to Whitmore with me.

At first, he was just going to be staying for a few days so we could try and get grips on where our relationship was going. But then we always seemed to find a reason for him to stay another day. He officially moved into our apartment on the second week of college, and since then we'd gone from strength to strength.

Things hadn't just gone back to how they used to be, because now they were better. Sure, we still fought from time to time - all couples do - but we managed our disagreements in a much more healthy way. We were both happier than we'd ever been.

And presently, as I finally managed to get my bangs to sit nicely, I was waiting on Kai arriving home from a trip to Portland. I'd managed to tag along on his last few trips - which had all gone significantly better than the first one - but I'd had an essay due this week, and I didn't have time to spare.

It was the first time we'd been apart since we got back together, so when I finally heard the door click open, I could hardly help myself scampering into the hallway to meet him.

He'd hardly managed a step before I flung myself into his arms, holding him as close as I possibly could. He chuckled and kissed the top of my head, fingers gently stroking my back.

"You missed me then?"

"A little." I grinned, pulling back and linking my hands behind his neck.

It wasn't only Kai's temperament which had altered in the last six months. His appearance had changed a little too. The boyish look he once had was long gone, and now his features looked more masculine and carved. His jaw was shadowed with dark stubble, and his shoulders had even broadened. Though his eyes were still the same. Speckled with shades of blue which I was quite sure only existed in his irises.

Tempted | Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now