thirty five: information

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The thing I craved most since flipping my switch was a surge of adrenaline pumping through my veins. I was addicted to the thrill of an elaborate game, and I adored the buzz it gave me when I pulled off one of my tricks.

It was hilarious to watch everyone scramble about in front of me whilst I was perfectly calm inside. I could watch the whole thing play out before me, and I knew that I'd end up on top.

I was completely in control.

Unfortunately, the pleasure of the last trick I played on my friends faded away a lot quicker than I would've liked. Planning my next encounter with them did give me a little bit of joy, but it just wasn't the same when I couldn't see their vacant little faces.

I knew I had to restrain myself though. If I swooped in too soon, I might've left a stone unturned. And any flaw in my plans could have led to me being caught.

Which I wasn't going to let happen.

Thankfully for me, my plan was nearly perfect. And it was going to be so much fun.

One thing that had been slightly unfortunate, was that Kai was still stubbornly refusing to join me. Which was a real shame, because all of those little evil tendencies he had buried deep inside of him would've been so hilarious to have seen in action.

Plus, he was really good in bed, which was always a bonus.

Although, it really was his loss.

I was still having heaps of fun without him, whilst he was just moping around with my whiny friends trying to figure out how to 'fix' me.

The funny thing was, I really never took Kai as a bore. I mean he literally killed his kid siblings but now he wanted to take the moral high ground? Seemed a little hypocritical to me.

I didn't even know why they all thought it was in my best interests to turn it back on. I mean, I was miserable with my humanity on. I was weak. I didn't understand how they couldn't see that I was better this way.

Although, I guess that was the sentiment. They were still desperately clinging onto the old me even though the new version was far more interesting.

And that's why they'd always lose. They were too scared to adapt. Too stuck in their own foolish ways to see that their rose-tinted lives were nothing but a fantasy.

If they just opened their eyes and realised how much power they possessed, maybe they'd be able to put it to better use.

But not to worry, because I was planning on showing them a little something which might just open their eyes very soon. All I needed was one little scrap of information and then I'd be ready.

And I figured the easiest way to get what I needed was to wait for it to fall into my lap.

I didn't really feel like chasing someone today.

So, when I considered where would be best to go to maximise my chances of bumping into someone useful, I ultimately landed on The Grill.

Thankfully, it was no longer crammed with people crying over my dad, because that really wasn't the vibe I was going for. Plus, I'd be able to get a drink whilst I waited.

All I was seeing was positives here.

Funnily enough though, the first thing I saw when I entered The Grill was the opposite of usefulness. When I swung the door open, the first figure my eyes landed on was Jordan Scott.

And my god, he was a real waste of space. He was just a big hunk of useless human flesh that would've been so easy to dispose of. And if I had have decided to finish him off, I really would've been doing the world a favour.

Tempted | Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now