twelve: cupcakes

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tw: nothing extreme - but again some scenes of a sexual nature in this chapter - please skip if this may be triggering to you

Kai's POV

My eyes fluttered across the figure of the girl wrapped in my arms. Her curls were carelessly splashed across me, her face peacefully resting. Her cheek was nestled into my chest, slow breaths tickling my skin.

I couldn't help but absorb every single aspect of her. From the freckles scattered across the bridge of her nose, to her long dark eyelashes, to her plump lips.

I had spent at least an hour just staring at her, refusing to move a muscle.

I didn't want her to wake up, because I knew as soon as she did, her tendencies to overthink every detail of her existence would kick in on overdrive. God, it was fucking torture watching her tremble with guilt every single time she let herself get close to me.

It was even worse because every time I saw that awful, conflicted look wash her features, I knew he was behind it. Tyler. Even the thought of his name made my teeth grind.

I fucking hated him.

How could he hurt her like that? I mean, he's supposed to love her and that's what he does.

Fucking idiot.

If that was me, I would never hurt her. Well not intentionally, I thought, recalling the time when I accidentally threw her across the room in a nightmarish haze.

As I pondered her innocent features my hatred for Tyler grew even more. And I swore to myself that if I ever got out of this place, I'd rip his throat out.

But then Andie would hate me.

Why did I care?

I mean, I saw why I wanted to protect her from him. I liked her. She was you know, funny, and smart, and hot. And really, she was the only person who had ever given me the time of day.

So, that was why I wanted to protect her.

And killing Tyler, that would protect her. So, what did it matter if she hated me for doing it? She'd be safe, and I'd get to make the bastard suffer. That was what I wanted.

And when did I ever think twice before taking what I wanted?

Not that it mattered, because we were never getting out of here anyway. Even if her friends ever managed to track down the coven, my dad would sooner kill them all than hand over the ascendant.

At least being stuck here had one positive now.


As I studied her further, I noticed her eyes start to flutter. She was waking up. As she started to come to, I relished the warmth of her body pressed against mine.

Hoping I'd feel it again soon.

Andie's POV

I sighed contentedly as a nestled my head further into my pillow, feeling replenished after an unusually amazing nights sleep. As my brain started to wake up more and more, I started to realise a few things. Firstly, I was a great deal warmer than usual, secondly my pillow seemed somewhat firmer, and it didn't smell like me it smelled like -

Shit, how did I forget? Kai. It smelled exactly like Kai, because it wasn't my pillow at all. It was in fact, his chest.

I reluctantly opened my eyes, not totally sure how to handle the awkward good morning I was about to have. As I peeled my lids open, I saw him staring down at me, a peaceful look across his face.

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