sixteen: confession

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The hot cascade of water from the shower rained over my head, masking my tears as the streams merged together to dampen my skin. The concoction of confusing drips trembled down my skin as I sobbed uncontrollably.

My hands desperately gripped the cold tiles to steady my shaking body, and I hoped to god the stream was stifling the sound of my pathetic whimpers. It certainly wasn't covering the sound of my tortured thoughts.

I was an awful person.

A truly horrible person. I couldn't believe what I had done. And on this day, of all the days.

When I thought of him at home right now my stomach started to churn, my toes curling into the shower floor. He was probably thinking about me right now, wishing I was home. The very notion of it made me sick, because what had I been doing?

Cheating on him.

Sleeping with Kai.

Happy one year anniversary, Tyler.

The picture of him asking me to be his girlfriend was practically seared into my brain now. I could almost hear our voices ringing through my ears.

We were so happy back then.

God, I knew Tyler could be an ass, and no we didn't work together, I know that now. I mean, we drove each other crazy, and we both made so many stupid mistakes.

And I knew now that I wasn't in love with him, but I did love him. Maybe not in the way I should, but Tyler had been one of my best friends my whole life. And I just couldn't believe what I had done to him.

I just wished I could've told him all of this months ago. Or even that I could tell him now.

Then he'd be moving on with his life, not wondering if I was ever coming back whilst I was fooling around with someone else.

"Andie?" I suddenly heard Kai's voice call from outside.

My heart jumped, and my hands instantly flew to my eyes to wipe the tears that welled in them.

"Yeah?" I croaked, trying my hardest to hide the pain in my voice.

"Are you okay? You've been in there for a while now?"

"I'm good, yeah." I lied, keeping my answers brief to reduce the chance of me slipping up.

"So, I'll see you soon for breakfast?"

"Yeah, just give me ten minutes."

As I heard Kai's footsteps stalk away down the hall, I let another whimper fall from my lips, letting the last of my grief go before I stepped out of this bathroom.

I decided that when I left this room, I wasn't going to let myself cry about it anymore. I was going to put on a brave face and get on with it.

If I was going to survive in this place forever, I had to move on from everything back home. It was the only way.

A final sigh was pushed through my lips as I shut off the water, and carefully stepped away from the shower.

My damp skin and tears were dried, and I stared at myself in the slightly misty mirror. I forced a small smile across my lips as I gazed into my own brown eyes, looking back at me with a slightly broken stare.

"You've got this." I whispered.


"Hey." I mumbled, slipping over to the dining table.

My eyes still refused to meet Kai's as I took my usual seat at the table and focused them on my toast.

With my heart firmly rooted in my stomach, I took my first bite, still trying to cover up my emotional outburst.

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